Jesus' Coming Back

Raskin: Trump Second Impeachment a ‘Dramatic Success in Historical Terms’

Lead House impeachment manager Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” called former President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial a “dramatic success in historical terms.”

Anchor Chuck Todd said, “So do you feel like this was a success? Or do you feel like because you failed to convict that you can’t look at it any other way than a failure?”

Raskin said, “I think it was a dramatic success in historical terms. It was the largest impeachment conviction vote in U.S. history. It was by far the most bipartisan majority that’s ever assembled in the Senate to convict a president, which has traditionally been a kind of partisan thing in American history. We got seven Republicans, and if you look at the ten Republicans in the House who joined us, it was by far the most bipartisan decision and a complete repudiation of the president’s conduct. Now, unfortunately, it didn’t reach the two-thirds majority in the Senate.”

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