Jesus' Coming Back

‘God Herself’: Democratic Rep. Suggests God Is a Female

‘God Herself’: Democratic Rep. Suggests God Is a Female

Over the weekend, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.), one of the House impeachment managers in convicting former President Donald Trump, suggested that God is a woman after using female pronouns, Faithwire reports.

Swalwell made the remark in an interview with Nicole Wallace of MSNBC after Trump was acquitted for the second time.

He began by explaining why Democrats chose to not to subpoena people.

“The choice was, do we chase those people, not knowing what they’re going to say, to the courts for years or do we go forward with the powerful, thundering case that we have? And also knowing that Mitch McConnell was already telling us that he believed the challenge was a jurisdictional one,” Swalwell told Wallace.

“We could have called God herself and the Republicans weren’t going to be willing to convict [Trump],” he continued. “So we’re proud of the case we put forward.”

According to, Jesus refers to God as “father” more than 165 times. 

Throughout Scripture, there are 26 instances where “feminine imagery is used to describe the activity of God, even a characteristic of God, but never is feminine language used to address God in title or name. Rather, Scripture uses masculine terminology.”

Despite the Democrats desire to convict Trump on the charge of incitement of insurrection prior to the Capitol building attack on Jan 6, their attempt was unsuccessful as the final vote was 57 guilty to 43 not guilty. In order for Trump to be convicted, a two-thirds majority was needed.

Seven Republicans voted against Trump, including Sens. Richard Burr (N.C.), Bill Cassidy (La.), Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Mitt Romney (Utah), Ben Sasse (Neb.), and Pat Toomey (Penn.). The required amount for Republican senators needed to convict the former President was 17.

Trump is the first U.S President in history to be impeached and acquitted twice. A year ago, he was impeached on charges on abuse of power and obstruction of Congress.

Previous impeachments included 17th President Andrew Johnson in 1876 and 42nd President Bill Clinton in 1998. Both of the aforementioned presidents, however, were acquitted.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Pool

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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