Jesus' Coming Back

Pastor Tim Keller Gives Cancer Update, Says Tumors Have Shrunk

Pastor Tim Keller Gives Cancer Update, Says Tumors Have Shrunk

Pastor and author Tim Keller just dropped some positive news regarding his current battle with pancreatic cancer.

In a Facebook post on Friday, Keller, who has been battling the cancer since July of last year, revealed the prayers he received in addition to the chemotherapy has caused the size and number of tumors to decrease. Keller shared that while he has been dealing with pain in his hands and feet from neuropathy from the chemotherapy, he hopes the pain will decrease as he is switched to a less aggressive treatment.

He stated on social media “By giving you an update, I want to honor God and the many who have so faithfully prayed for me during my treatment for pancreatic cancer that began last May, 2020. I was on chemotherapy for 14 rounds, and have had relatively mild side effects, although the neuropathy in my hands and feet increased over time. I’m hoping that will start to improve now that I have been downshifted to a less aggressive (and physically damaging) chemotherapy.”

He went on to state that he will continue to trust God’s plan and allow him to “shepherd” him “along his chosen path.” He also gave information about the cancer treatment scans showing the reductions in tumors over the months.

“Since May I have had three CT scans—in August, November and last Monday, February 8. The first two scans each showed a significant decrease in size and number of tumors. The February scan also showed that in an area that had previously had numerous nodules there are now none visible. This is excellent news, so we are rejoicing that God has worked through your prayers and chemotherapy to accomplish so much. What the future holds I do not know, but we will continue to trust His plan and allow Him to shepherd us along his chosen path,” Keller wrote.

According to CBN News, This isn’t the first time Keller has battled cancer. In an interview with First Things, Keller opened up about his previous battle with Thyroid cancer and said it helped him weed out his doubts about God. He stated to First Things “You’re facing death, you’re not sure you’re going to get over the cancer. And the rigorous intellectual process of going through all the alternative explanations for how the Christian Church started, except the resurrection, none of them are even tenable. It was quite an experience. So in a way I was working on a doubt and it was a wonderful experience and I took it down. Maybe there is a deeper level of doubt that I don’t even know is there yet. So it’s for you and your ability to be a good apologist.”

Keller has written multiple books including The Reason For God, Prayer, and many others. He is the founding pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, which he has pastored over for 28 years.

Photo courtesy: Wikimedia Commons/Frank Licorice Flickr/Creative Commons, image was cropped and resizedt

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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