Checkpoint Pelosi: Democrats Consider Permanent Military-Style Barrier Around Capitol; Pelosi Picks Anti-Trump General Who Openly Mocks 2nd Amendment to Play Major Role in DC, and related stories
Checkpoint Pelosi: Democrats consider permanent military-style barrier around Capitol:
Congressional Democratic leaders are considering a permanent, military-style barrier around the U.S. Capitol even as we learn that 7,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen will stay another month in the city and 5,000 troops will thereafter remain indefinitely.
Capitol Hill under the Democrats looks more like the infamous crossing, Checkpoint Charlie, between East and West Berlin when the communists controlled Eastern Europe.
It seems that Democrats have forgotten the violence of last summer, when left-wing rioters looted and burned private and public buildings throughout Washington, D.C., and many other cities. Rioters killed at least 12 people, injured hundreds of police officers and destroyed up to $2 billion worth of property.
The worst rioting occurred in Portland, Oregon, where nightly attacks on federal buildings cost $2.3 million. Democrats and their media allies called the nightly looting rituals “mostly peaceful protests,” and aggressively criticized President Trump for deploying federal agents to reinforce outnumbered police forces. —>READ MORE HERE
Pelosi Picks Anti-Trump General Who Openly Mocks 2nd Amendment to Play Major Role in DC:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi recently picked a retired United States Army general to conduct a security review of the Capitol in the wake of an incursion into the building on Jan. 6, but his past remarks paint a troubling picture for Washington, D.C.’s future.
Retired Lt. Gen. Russel Honore will lead the assessment of Capitol defenses before, during and after the January riot, a role Pelosi handpicked him for on Jan. 15, according to NBC News.
While Honore served in the American armed forces for decades, his documented outspoken beliefs against Republican lawmakers and even our constitutional rights have many worried.
Images and social media blurbs posted by the retired officer show he is nowhere near an impartial party, threatening the fairness and objectivity of his review. —>READ MORE HERE
Follow links below to related stories:
Congressman Gives Militarized Capitol a Fitting New Nickname
Senator and Combat Vet Tells Pelosi Enough Is Enough: ‘Time to Send the Troops Home’
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