Jesus' Coming Back

Pro-Life Leaders Voice Concerns over Biden’s HHS Pick

Pro-Life Leaders Voice Concerns over Biden’s HHS Pick

Leaders of pro-life organizations are urging the U.S. Senate HELP and Finance Committees in a letter to reject President Joe Biden’s nominee for Health and Human Services secretary, Xavier Becerra, due to his opposition to pro-life policies.

Last Thursday, more than 60 pro-life advocates sent a 5 page-letter, led by pro-life lobbying group Susan B. Anthony List, explaining their rejection for Becerra, who currently serves as Attorney General of California, The Christian Post reports.

Kristin Hawkins, president of the pro-life campus organization Students for Life of America, noted that Becerra has a habit “of siding with the abortion lobby whenever possible and using the power of whatever office he is in to try and force others to share his enthusiastic support of abortion up until the moment of birth.”

She asserted that Becerra’s nomination to be HHS was something that “every single pro-lifer should be concerned about.” If confirmed, Becerra would oversee “over $87 billion of our taxpayer funds and discretionary budget authority and over $1.2 trillion in mandatory funding.”

Hawkins, who also signed the letter, moderated a panel last Wednesday that featured Sens. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., Steve Daines, R-Mont., and SBA List President Marjorie Dannenfelser.

Dannenfelser explained that states would pass pro-life measures, Becerra, “would lead all the other AGs in trying to shut down every pro-life measure that every other state was doing.” Becerra had also prosecuted David Daleiden, a pro-life activist who revealed that Planned Parenthood was profiting off of aborted fetal parts.

Sen. Cotton, who previously served with Becerra in the House, noted that he “knew what a far-left radical he was,f” but “only once he became California’s top law enforcement officer did he have the power to act unilaterally on those radical ideas.”

“The common thread of Xavier Becerra’s tenure as attorney general of California is that he abuses the law to target his enemies, which curiously enough always seem to be people of faith and pro-lifers and other social conservatives,” Cotton said. “If he’s done it with the power he has as attorney general of California, of course he will do it with the vastly greater power he would have as the Secretary for Health and Human Services.”

Pro-life advocates who signed the letter include, Live Action President Lila Rose, Southern Baptist Convention Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission President Russell Moore and former Planned Parenthood worker turned pro-life advocate Abby Johnson.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Justin Sullivan/Staff

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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