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Homeland Security Plans to Gut Immigration Enforcement Arm; Forget Abolishing ICE, Biden Admin May Have Found Key to Destroying It from the Inside, and related stories

Homeland Security plans to gut immigration enforcement arm:

‘Administrative abolishment’ means less enforcement

The Biden administration might not need to abolish ICE. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has floated a plan to reorganize the federal deportation agency to the point where it’s not doing much arresting and deporting from inside the country anymore.

Mr. Mayorkas revealed his idea last week in a telephone meeting with agency personnel in Texas, according to several sources familiar with the conversation, who said he proposed taking members of the country’s 4,000-strong deportation force off the streets and converting them into criminal investigators.

They would no longer be focused on enforcing laws against illegal presence, which would have the effect of slashing arrests and deportations.

Deportation officers said it would be akin to a city police department converting its beat cops to detectives, leaving nobody to patrol the streets for basic crimes.

“This is an administrative abolishment of ICE as we currently know it,” one source told The Washington Times. —>READ MORE HERE

Forget Abolishing ICE, Biden Admin May Have Found Key to Destroying It from the Inside:

Why abolish, when you can just reorganize?

Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas reportedly has a plan that would essentially abolish Immigration and Customs Enforcement without actually doing so, according to The Washington Times.

The article states that Mayorkas leaked his plan in a telephone conversation with “agency personnel in Texas,” in which he supposedly suggested converting ICE enforcers into “criminal investigators.”

This, of course, means thousands would no longer work to enforce illegal immigration laws, effectively slashing arrests and deportations in the effort.

Deportation officers reportedly said the plan was similar to “converting [a police department’s] beat cops to detectives, leaving nobody to patrol the streets for basic crimes.” —>READ MORE HERE

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Biden administration reportedly planning to dismantle ICE immigration enforcement

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