Jesus' Coming Back

Live Feed: Christians Wait To Be Arrested While Singing Hymns and ‘Rescuing’ in Front of Abortion Facility Doors

A number of Christians gathered in Tennessee to block the doors of an abortion facility as they sung hymns in order to “rescue” children from death—an effort that was met by police with road closures and a shelter-in-place order in addition to arrests.

The effort was organized in part by Chet Gallagher outside of the doors of careafem, a surgical abortion facility in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. Gallagher reported on his Facebook page that “[m]ultiple women have turned away. Counselors spread out ready to love on and help them.”

“Another mom decided she didn’t want go through with killing her child…,” he also posted.

Gallagher, who is a former Las Vegas police officer that was arrested in the 80’s for joining those rescuing outside an abortion facility in the city at the time, has been active in opposing the abortion holocaust since.

In May of last year, a federal judge ruled that Mt. Juliet’s zoning ordinances, which prohibited surgical abortions at its facility, placed an “undue burden” and “substantial obstacle” on women wanting to end the lives of their babies after careafem sued with the help of the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Tennessee and a law firm on behalf of the entity against the city.

Mt. Juliet’s city commission later revoked the legislation that placed limits on surgical abortions in industrial zones.

The Mt. Juliet Police Department posted what they called a “severe alert” on their Twitter page: “Multiple people have unlawfully trespassed and are refusing to leave the Providence Medical Pavilion building. Those in the building, who are not unlawfully trespassing, have been asked to shelter-in-place. Roadways are closed near the building.”

Police arrested a number of those blocking the doors for refusing to leave, including a Jewish holocaust survivor in a wheelchair who was present to oppose and save children from the modern-day holocaust.

According to a press briefing by police, eight adults were arrested and charged with “trespassing” with four of the adults also being charged with “contributing to a delinquency of a minor.” Four minors involved were issued juvenile citations. The adults were taken to the Wilson County jail for processing.

“They were peaceful and cooperative inside,” Captain Tyler Chandler stated during the press conference. “All peaceful during those moments of arrest,” he added.

The term “rescue” is derived from the Bible’s teaching in Proverbs 24:11-12, “If thou forbear to deliver [rescue] them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain; If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not; doth not he that pondereth the heart consider it? and he that keepeth thy soul, doth not he know it? and shall not he render to every man according to his works?”

A second video of the rescue and arrests can be viewed here:


A police briefing on the arrests can be viewed here:

The Mt. Juliet Police Department did not address the violence against the children in the womb and murders that have been taking place at the facility during the press conference.

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