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Trump Blasts Biden Over Border Crisis: ‘Totally out of control’; Biden Ripped by Arizona Sheriff for Border Chaos: (under Trump) ‘We had it under control. … It’s frustrating’, and related stories

Trump blasts Biden over border crisis: ‘Totally out of control’:

Former President Donald Trump unloaded on his successor’s immigration policies Friday, saying President Biden has left a border “now totally out of control.”

In a searing statement, Mr. Trump said he’d left Mr. Biden “the most secure border in our country’s history,” and in little more than a month, he said, the new president has undone that work.

“There has never been a time on our southern border like what is happening now but more importantly, what is about to happen,” Mr. Trump said. “Now that Biden has implemented nationwide Catch-and-Release, illegal immigrants from every corner of the Earth will descend upon our border and never be returned. You can never have a secure border unless people who cross illegally are promptly removed.” —>READ MORE HERE

Biden ripped by Arizona sheriff for border chaos: ‘We had it under control. … It’s frustrating’

Mark Dannels of Cochise County: ‘This administration owns this decision’

Arizona Sheriff Mark Dannels of Cochise County says it’s incredibly “frustrating” to watch chaos along the U.S. border with Mexico grow as President Biden’s policies begin bearing fruit.

The law enforcement official told Brian Kilmeade that issues that were “under control” during former President Trump’s tenure have quickly devolved since the start of Mr. Biden’s White House tenure.

“This administration owns this decision,” he said Friday of the Democrat’s construction stoppage at the border wall. “We had it under control. This is frustrating. It’s frustrating.”

“This is a wall we already paid for,” Mr. Kilmeade exclaimed. “Sheriff, we’ve paid for the wall to be built, along with the technology and along with the roads. Now we’re paying to move the wall, store the wall, or destroy the wall. And guess what? The illegals, according to what you’re telling us, are actually using it to get into the country. In what way?” —>READ MORE HERE

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