Jesus' Coming Back

Report: Texas Democrat Vicente Gonzalez Closes Bank of China Account After Breitbart News Investigation Exposed It

Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) closed an account with Bank of China following a Breitbart News report on the Texas Democrat’s holdings with the state-owned institution.

Gonzalez’s most recent financial disclosure forms list holdings worth more than $100,000 with the Bank of China, a state-owned organ of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Breitbart News reported:

On the second page of his calendar year 20172018, and 2019 disclosure documents, Gonzalez reported the holdings valued at between $100,001 and $250,000 in the Bank of China. Each report includes a disclosure that Gonzalez earned between $2,501 and $5,000 in interest each year from the Bank of China account.

The Bank of China’s website acknowledges itself as a “wholly state-owned commercial bank” and has been since the mid-1990s. The state-run enterprise also pledges allegiance to Chinese head of state Xi Jinping and his communist ideology, describing its mission as furtherance of the CCP’s global political vision.

Gonzalez closed his account following Breitbart News’s report, according to News 4 Antonio, an NBC affiliate. He also rejected an interview request.

News 4 San Antonio reported, “[Gonzalez’s] press secretary, Jason Johnson, told News 4 San Antonio that the Bank of China is insured and operating under U.S. laws. Johnson also told the News 4 San Antonio, the Congressman has closed that account.”

Monica De La Cruz-Hernandez, Gonzalez’s Republican opponent in 2020, remarked on the recent exposure of Gonzalez’s financial ties to China.

De La Cruz-Hernandez tweeted, “Gonzalez’s six-figure account with the Bank of China is shocking & disturbing. A US Rep should NEVER have such close financial ties to the state bank of our country’s greatest adversary. AMERICA FIRST NOT CHINA!!!!”


Jesus Christ is King

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