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‘Unholy Partnership’: 23 Christian Colleges, Universities Have Ties to Planned Parenthood, Report Says

‘Unholy Partnership’: 23 Christian Colleges, Universities Have Ties to Planned Parenthood, Report Says

At least 23 Christian colleges and universities have ties to Planned Parenthood or promote the organization on campus, according to new report by the pro-life organization Students for Life of America.

Students for Life says it has conducted research on about 700 Christian colleges and universities and identified “about a hundred schools with ties to Planned Parenthood” that will be listed in a report to be released later this year.

In its initial report, released in March, Students for Life named 25 schools that have ties to the abortion giant, either by advertising Planned Parenthood internships and career postings, referring students to Planned Parenthood as a resource, incorporating Planned Parenthood in medical school rotations, and/or hosting events for students with Planned Parenthood.

Two of the schools – Messiah College and St. Francis University in Pennsylvania – cut ties once the report was released, Students for Life said.

Students for Life is urging “school administrators to end abortion industry connections that compromise their Biblical and Christian commitments if they exist,” its website says.

Planned Parenthood is the nation’s largest abortion provider. Its clinics performed a record 354,871 abortions in 2019-20, according to its own report.

“There is an unholy partnership between a number of Christian schools and the abortion industry,” said Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life. “We want to equip pro-life advocates to take action and encourage schools to disentangle themselves from Big Abortion. It is crucial that colleges and universities that claim an affiliation with the Christian faith and Biblical values do not contradict those values by partnering with or promoting perpetrators of abortion violence.”

The 23 schools that Students for Life says have ties to Planned Parenthood are:

– American University (D.C.), Methodist.

– Augsburg University (MN), Lutheran.

– Augustana College (IL), Lutheran.

– California Lutheran University (CA.), Lutheran.

– Drury University (MO), United Church of Christ.

– Eckerd College (FL), Presbyterian.

– Emory University (GA), Methodist Episcopal.

– Fordham University (NY), Catholic.

— Luther College (IA), Lutheran.

– Macalester College (MN), Presbyterian.

– McKendree University (IL), United Methodist.

– New Brunswick Theological Seminary (NJ).

– Ohio Wesleyan (OH), United Methodist.

– Oklahoma City University (OK), United Methodist.

– Paine College (GA), Methodist.

– Roanoke College (VA), Lutheran.

– Saint Joseph’s University (PA), Catholic.

– Saint Norbert College (WI), Catholic.

– Southwestern University (TX), United Methodist.

– Trinity Washington University (D.C.), Catholic.

– University of Indianapolis (IN.), United Methodist.

– University of Lynchburg (VA), Disciples of Christ.

– West Virginia Wesleyan (WV), United Methodist.

“If families are making financial sacrifices to send their children to Bible-professing colleges, then at the very least, these schools owe them the courtesy of not violating those beliefs,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, which is encouraging parents and other Christians to contact the schools on the list.


Planned Parenthood’s 2019-20 Annual Report Found Record Numbers of Abortions Performed, Increased Gov’t Funding

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Michael Thomas/Stringer

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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