Jesus' Coming Back

While Promoting New Movie, Jennifer Garner Shares Why Church Is So Important to Her Family

While Promoting New Movie, Jennifer Garner Shares Why Church Is So Important to Her Family

As part of a promotional interview for Netflix’s new movie, Yes Day, Jennifer Garner explained how church and saying “yes” to more as a parent has brought her family together during the government lockdowns.

The movie centers around a book written by Amy Krouse Rosenthal of the same title. In the book, the parents say yes to everything for a single day.

Jennifer Garner shared her personal experience with saying yes for a day in a February Instagram post. She wrote, “My middle daughter was fascinated by the idea of a day filled with ‘Yes!’ Yes to ice cream for breakfast, a picnic, staying up late. Yes to skipping chores, torturing mom, s’mores and flashlight tag in the dark.”

She elaborated further in an ET Online interview, stating “This has been such a hard year for moms. We have had to say ‘No, no, no.’ We’ve had to watch our kids be home, miss out on things. It is one thing to miss out on something as an adult, but to watch your kids miss something they have looked forward to or just how hard it has been to see them isolated and on Zoom every day… this is a breath of fresh air. This is a wish-fulfillment day of yes, and it is just so fun to watch moms watch the movie.”

But that isn’t all. Garner also brought up how going to church unites her family. In an interview with MovieGuide, Garner stated that church “really just starts the whole week. Just singing together and being together for that hour just really starts us off right and I’m missing being in church physically in-person and that sense of community.”

The Netflix movie “Yes Day” centers around two parents who have lost touch with their kids, being called “boring.” The kids remarked that they used to have so much fun. As a response, the parents and siblings agree to have a “yes day” where the parents say yes to almost anything. “Yes Day” will be released on Netflix on March 12.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Mike Coppola/Staff

Video courtesy: ©Netflix

John Paluska has been a contributor for Christian Headlines since 2016 and is the founder of The Daily Fodder, a news outlet he relaunched in 2019 as a response to the constant distribution of fake news.


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