Jesus' Coming Back

McCarthy: COVID ‘Bailout’ Rewards Mismanagement at Taxpayer Expense

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) protested the $1.9 trillion in so-called COVID relief passed by Congress during Fox News Channel’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Tuesday.

McCarthy highlighted payments to government employees who were never laid off during the pandemic shutdown and claimed it rewarded mismanagement.

“It is what Margaret Thatcher said: You will eventually run out of everybody else’s money,” he said. “And that’s what’s happening with this $1.9 trillion. This money does nothing to put people back to work, back to school or back to health. It used it to reward those that they care most about, the mismanagement of states across this nation, to reward federal employees who have not been laid off, give them $21,000 or state employees a $25,000 bonus. That is hard-working taxpayers’ money. It is costing every family more than $5,000. And a few people will get a $1,400 check. It’s one of those emails you get from another nation.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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