Jesus' Coming Back

UK MPs Declare Prayer, Christian Teaching On Sodom As ‘Harmful’

One of the very serious dangers in the Western world that we are seeing happen is that the society is fundamentally rejecting two thousand years of Christian history. This process has been long in the making, and is just an extension of the general repaganization of Europe that is not a new problem. However, it is reaching unprecedented heights in her history that if they continue will have dire consequences.

In many parts of Europe, such as Albion and Scandinavia, Christianity really is dead. However, now not only is it just dead, but the society itself is turning against what little remains. These people are not the Muslims, but the ‘natives’, as the Christian Post reports, UK MPs, including PM Johnson, attacked Christian teaching on Sodom and prayer as ‘harmful’ and in need of government regulation.

U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson described therapy for unwanted same-sex attraction as “repulsive” and vowed to end so-called conversion therapy days after Parliament members likened prayer and fasting to such past practices as electroshock therapy and “corrective rape.”

Johnson apologized last Friday amid complaints from activists that his government has delayed taking action on the issue of gay conversion therapy after he declared in July 2020 that the practice was “absolutely abhorrent” and vowed to ban such therapies.

According to The Telegraph, three of his advisers who identify as LGBT “quit over a lack of progress.”

Proponents of such a ban say the practice is cruel, ineffective and contributes to suicide among LGBT-identifying people.

During a trip to Belfast last week, the prime minister described the practice of trying to change someone’s sexuality as “repulsive,” according to Sky News. Johnson reportedly noted that the issue was “technically complex” but assured that he was committed to outlawing conversion therapy.

“I think this practice is repulsive and I think it’s abhorrent and I’m sorry these advisers have gone but be in no doubt that we will deal with this issue,” he told reporters. “It is technically complex to deal with but we’re determined to take further steps to stamp it out.”

At a Westminster Hall debate titled “LGBT Conversion Therapy” last Monday, members of the Petitions Committee discussed a petition demanding that the government criminalize the practice of so-called conversion therapy and criminalize the act of sending people abroad to attend conversion therapy.

Conversion therapy is defined as any effort to change one’s sexual orientation or gender identity.

During the debate, pastoral support was also branded as a form of conversion therapy and described as “torture.”

Eliot Colburn, a Conservative member of Parliament and a member of the Petitions Committee, led the debate and said the practice shows up in several ways, “from pseudo-psychological treatments and aversion therapies to practices that are religiously based, such as purification or fasting,” according to the Christian Institute. (source)

This unfortunately is not a surprise. It was bound to happen, for if the UK, like the US, is a major promoter of the sin that cries to Heaven for vengeance, given its inability to be reconciled with Christianity, in a society that is no longer Christian it is inevitably going to bring conflict.

An important and dangerous trend to watch for is going to be the increase in anti-Christian activity in the US and UK, and with that, as this article suggests, laws that follow to enforce said new changes being made in the name of ‘rights’ at the expense of Christian belief. If the pattern continues, it may come to a future where, as it was in the past, being a Christian may be illegal and dangerous, and something synonymous with being a domestic terrorist or even just an ‘enemy’ of the social order.

In other words, the catacombs may be a page in history, but the same story could repeat again, but now with modern technology and tools.

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