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Biden WH Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use; Kamala Harris Bragged About Her Pot Use on National Airwaves, Will She Be the Next Person from the Biden Administration to Get the Boot? And related stories

Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use:

Several staffers were informally told by transition officials that some past marijuana use would be overlooked, only to be told later that they were being asked to resign.

Dozens of young White House staffers have been suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program due to past marijuana use, frustrating staffers who were pleased by initial indications from the Biden administration that recreational use of cannabis would not be immediately disqualifying for would-be personnel, according to three people familiar with the situation.

The policy has even affected staffers whose marijuana use was exclusive to one of the 14 states—and the District of Columbia—where cannabis is legal. Sources familiar with the matter also said a number of young staffers were either put on probation or canned because they revealed past marijuana use in an official document they filled out as part of the lengthy background check for a position in the Biden White House.

In some cases, staffers were informally told by transition higher-ups ahead of formally joining the administration that they would likely overlook some past marijuana use, only to be asked later to resign.

“There were one-on-one calls with individual affected staffers—rather, ex-staffers,” one former White House staffer affected by the policy told The Daily Beast. “I was asked to resign.” —>READ MORE HERE

Kamala Harris Bragged About Her Pot Use on National Airwaves, Will She Be the Next Person from the Biden Administration to Get the Boot?:

On Thursday, during a speech, President Joe Biden gaffed and called his veep “President Harris.”

Funny, but there’s a sliver of truth in there: Vice President Kamala Harris has done a lot of the heavy lifting convincing the progressive left that Biden is all right, and few doubt there’s the significant possibility she’s at the top of the 2024 presidential ticket.

Good thing she’s not a lower-level White House staffer, else she would have disqualified herself before she even began.

As you may remember, Harris was unapologetic about the fact she’d used marijuana at least once. She told the radio program “The Breakfast Club,” when asked about her past marijuana usage in February 2019, “I have. And I inhaled. I did inhale. It was a long time ago. It was a joint.”

She laughed about her experience and seemed to endorse its use, saying, “I think that gives a lot of people joy and we need more joy,” while demurring on whether or not the drug should be made legal nationally. It’s currently legal in Washington, D.C., incidentally, as it is in 14 other states. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Some Biden Staffers Who Disclosed Smoking Pot Get the Boot—Could Kamala Harris Be Next?

5 White House Staffers Fired Over Marijuana Use, Psaki Confirms

Biden White House asks staffers to resign over past marijuana use: report

Biden White House Admits Firing Staffers For Marijuana, But Still Employs Some Past Pot Users

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