Jesus' Coming Back

The National Security Threat at Our Southern Border; Suspected Terrorists Caught Exploiting Border Crisis, and related stories

Rep. Paul Gosar: The National Security Threat at Our Southern Border:

A covert war is being waged along our southern border. Our enemies wish to exploit our national security weakness for nefarious activities that endanger innocent lives. Arizonans know this all too well, as did President Trump. The actions the former president took to improve security at our southern border were long overdue. In two short months, the Biden administration’s open border policies have destroyed much of the progress made over the past four years and undermine our national security.

On February 1, Yuma Sector Border Patrol agents arrested a group of 11 Iranian nationals who attempted to illegally cross the border. Border Patrol agents encountered and apprehended them near San Luis, Arizona. This year alone, Yuma Sector has apprehended 14 Iranian nationals. While it is unclear at this time what their intentions were, it is a concerning development. This is even more concerning in light of the recent announcement by federal law enforcement officials that authorities have arrested four people at the southern border who are in the FBI’s Terrorist Screening Database. Iran is gaining a foothold in Latin America and seeks to place assets in the United States. In fact, this alliance nearly resulted in the largest terrorist attack on American soil post 9/11.

In 2011, the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation prevented the assassination of Saudi Ambassador to the United States Adel al-Jubeir at a restaurant in Washington, D.C. Manssor Arbabsiar, a U.S. national, traveled to Mexico to meet with an associate of a Mexican drug cartel at the direction of Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Quds Force operative Gholam Shakuri. Thankfully, the associate was an informant for the Drug Enforcement Administration. However, it should not be forgotten that the Iranian government sought to pay the Mexican drug cartels to assassinate a foreign diplomat on American soil using C-4 plastic explosives. —>READ MORE HERE

Suspected terrorists caught exploiting border crisis, GOP leaders say:

The tens of thousands of people rushing the US-Mexico border in recent weeks include not just Central American migrants, but suspected terrorists, Republican lawmakers said Monday as they toured the crossing amid the escalating crisis.

“Individuals that they have on the watchlist for terrorism are now starting to exploit the southern border,” said Rep. John Katko (R-NY). “We need to wake up.”

Katko made the disturbing revelation as he and other members of a Republican contingent led by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California addressed reporters in El Paso, Texas.

Citing Customs and Border Protection agents who briefed the lawmakers shortly before the presser, McCarthy said that those hitting the border include not just Central American migrants, but people from Iran, Yemen, Sri Lanka and China, among other nations. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

4 on Terror Watchlist Caught at Border

Illegal Immigrants On Terrorist Watch List Arrested At Border One Day After Corporate Media Accused Republicans Of ‘Lying’

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