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Report: Here’s How Much Illegal Immigrants Are Getting in Stimulus Checks Thanks to Biden; Estimating the Number of Illegal Immigrants Who Might Get Covid Relief Payments

Report: Here’s How Much Illegal Immigrants Are Getting in Stimulus Checks Thanks to Biden:

The United States is still in the throes of a recession and countless Americans are unemployed, but millions of illegal aliens could receive $4.38 billion under the Democrats’ pork-filled coronavirus relief bill.

Steven Camarota is the director of research at the Center for Immigration Studies, a nonpartisan think tank.

He said the left-wing talking point that illegal immigrants won’t receive stimulus checks because they don’t have Social Security numbers is false.

“We estimate that there are 2.65 million illegal immigrants who have Social Security numbers that allow them to receive stimulus checks,” Camarota said Monday in a seven-page report. “We estimate that 2.1 million of these individuals have incomes low enough to qualify for checks, and they have 1.1 million U.S.-born dependent children.

“As a result, illegal immigrants could receive an estimated $4.38 billion in cash payments from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.” —>READ MORE HERE

Estimating the Number of Illegal Immigrants Who Might Get Covid Relief Payments:

During the debate over the Covid relief bill Sen. Durbin (D-Ill.) stated that “Undocumented immigrants do not have Social Security numbers, and they do not qualify for stimulus relief checks.” This is incorrect; we estimate that there are 2.65 million illegal immigrants who have Social Security numbers that allow them to receive stimulus checks. We estimate that 2.1 million of these individuals have incomes low enough to qualify for checks, and they have 1.1 million U.S.-born dependent children. As a result, illegal immigrants could receive an estimated $4.38 billion in cash payments from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.

Among the findings:

> There are 653,000 illegal immigrants with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and 411,000 with Temporary Protected Status (TPS). These individuals have work authorization, which comes with a valid Social Security number allowing them to receive a Covid stimulus check.

> In FY 2020, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) issued 882,000 work authorizations and Social Security numbers to other illegal immigrants. Among the categories eligible are adjustment of status, suspension of deportation, and asylum applicants, as well as those given withholding of removal, deferred action (non-DACA), and parolees.

> All of the above categories, as well as others, can be described as aliens temporarily present without status. These individuals are in the country illegally and could be required to leave. Yet, under the current system, they are still given work authorization and Social Security numbers, allowing them to receive cash payments such as the Earned Income Tax Credit and Covid relief checks.

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