Jesus' Coming Back

Cuellar: I’m Getting More Info about Border from Mexico Than White House

On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “America Reports,” Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX) said that he is still getting more information from Mexico about what’s having at the border than he is from the White House.

Co-host Sandra Smith asked, [relevant exchange begins around 4:00] “[Y]ou said you are getting more information on what is happening in these facilities — your picture provided — you’re getting more information from Mexico about what’s happening at our southern border than you are from the White House? Is that still the case?”

Cuellar responded, “It’s still the case. And remember, very straightforward, I’m a Democrat, the administration’s Democrat, and basically, I mean, that’s the truth. I mean, I got contacts in Mexico and in Central America. I know what messages are being heard over there and there [are] two messages…that are being heard over there. So, yes, it’s messaging and getting information from my friends in Mexico.”

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