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Biden Has Turned Border Into Big Area 51-Like Secret; Cruz Tells Biden to ‘stop denying reality’ and Let Media Tour Border to Shine Light on his ‘administration’s failures’, and related stories

Biden has turned border into big Area 51-like secret:

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said over the weekend that the Biden administration is “absolutely committed” to allowing journalists to tour the Border Patrol facilities and report on conditions to house children.

But why the delay? The fact that reporters are prevented at all is a red flag. The plight of children at America’s borders should not be the Big Secret of the political world.

If this were the Trump administration, the White House wouldn’t get a free pass in the media. As a matter of fact, on a different day, under a different administration, the media would be filled with images of Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez standing outside a chain-link fence, decrying conditions and cages.

As it is now, Chris Wallace on Fox News raised some questions with Psaki. But where are the gate guards from all the other channels? Where are the Democrats in Congress with their gifts of soccer balls?

Of the now-estimated 18,000 children at the border, in custody of Border Protection and Health and Human Services personnel, Wallace asked: Why are you being “less transparent than the Trump administration?” —>READ MORE HERE

Cruz tells Biden to ‘stop denying reality’ and let media tour border to shine light on his ‘administration’s failures’:

Sen. Ted Cruz penned a scathing letter to President Biden over the president’s refusal to allow the media to tour border holding facilities.

“This past Thursday and Friday, eighteen of my Senate colleagues and I visited the border and witnessed firsthand the staggering public health and humanitarian crisis caused by your policies,” Cruz wrote in the letter. “We understand the heartbreaking tragedy unfolding at the border because we were there. We saw it. But the American people are unable to see it because you remain intent on keeping the media from shining a light on your administration’s failures.”

Cruz then detailed how crowded the facilities were, a situation made even more dire by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“They could not show the American people what it looks like when a tent city built to house 250 children under COVID restrictions instead houses 4,200,” Cruz wrote. “They could not show the American people cages after cages of little boys lying side-by-side, of little girls lying side-by-side, covered with reflective emergency blankets with virtually no space between them. They could not see the playpen of infants and toddlers brought here by human traffickers and then left alone. They could not see the row of children who, having just been crammed into the crowded cages, were now testing positive for COVID-19.” ––>READ MORE HERE

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