Jesus' Coming Back

Episcopalian Bishop Leaves Church After Being Punished For Refusing To Bend Over For Sodom

America still claims many Christians, but a majority of them support sodom, and as a result, those who follow Biblical teachings from Sacred Scripture and Tradition are finding themselves in a hard position as the majority culture an even their own members of religious groups are turning against them.

The Episcopal Church, which is essentially an American version of the Church of England, has been known for her permitting all sorts of moral deviations for a long time, including sodom. However, now even as the church is about ready to collapse and arguably survives only from centuries-old real estate investments (as the buildings themselves are empty), a bishop is leaving the church after being punished for refusing to officiate a sodomite union.

A bishop of The Episcopal Church who was punished for refusing to allow the blessing of same-sex marriages in his diocese has decided to leave the mainline Protestant denomination.

William H. Love, former bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Albany, was disciplined last year for refusing to enforce a church resolution mandating the blessing of gay marriages in every diocese, including those previously opposed to the practice.

In a statement released Wednesday, Love explained that he was leaving the Episcopal Church effective April 2 and planning to join the Anglican Church in North America, a more theologically conservative denomination.

“As a cradle Episcopalian (with nearly 30 years of ordained ministry as a deacon, priest and bishop), that was not an easy decision, but given all that has transpired these past couple of years and the constraints placed upon me as a theologically conservative and orthodox bishop within TEC, I believe it is the right decision,” wrote Love.

“It is my hope and plan to be received into the Anglican Church in North America in the very near future, at which time all the details of what I will be doing and where I will be serving will be shared in a separate announcement.”

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, leader of the denomination, released a statement in response to the announcement, explaining that he had granted Love’s request.

Without specifically mentioning the issue of same-sex marriage, Curry went on to argue that his belief was that “as a church we are called, as Jesus once said, to be ‘a house of prayer for all people,’ where, as my slave ancestors used to sing, ‘there is plenty good room for all of God’s children.’”

“That conviction is not based on a social theory or capitulation to the ways of the culture. Rather, it is born of my belief that the outstretched arms of Jesus on the cross are the ultimate sign of the very love of God reaching out to embrace and welcome us all,” stated Curry. (source)

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