TRUMP NEWS: Trump’s Role as Kingmaker to Be Tested in 5 Open Senate Primaries; Here Are All The 2022 Candidates Donald Trump Has Endorsed (so far), and other Trump related news
Trump’s Role as Kingmaker to Be Tested in 5 Open Senate Primaries:
So far in the 2022 election cycle, five incumbent Republican senators are retiring, refusing to run for re-election. Conservatives at the Club for Growth and other MAGA-backing groups see a glorious opportunity to not only flip the Senate but drive the Republican Party hard to the right.
Most of those retiring senators are establishment types and many conservatives who have already indicated they want to replace them are lining up at the door of the one man whose blessing they all crave. Former President Donald Trump is still getting organized at his base in Mar-a-Largo, but his aides are already developing a formal endorsement procedure to follow when the stampede begins in earnest.
For the Senate primaries and beyond, a team of aides has set up a central destination for candidates seeking Trump’s support to send in their pitches through his political action committee, Save America PAC. Those requests for endorsements then get presented to Trump, a person familiar with the process said, and Trump decides which of the candidates he will meet as he weighs who to back in primaries.
“Trump is making the decisions … not any aides,” the person told the Washington Examiner. “Ultimately, it’s Donald Trump making the decision. It’s no staffer. It’s not Don Jr. It’s Trump. He’s driving the car here, even more so than when he was in the White House.”
Here Are All The 2022 Candidates Donald Trump Has Endorsed
Campaigns for 2022 are just getting started, but former President Donald Trump is already working to shape the Republican field.
Here is everyone the 45th president has endorsed so fars.
Sarah Huckabee Sanders: Governor of Arkansas
Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced her plans to run for the governor of Arkansas on January 25, and Trump gave her his endorsement the same day.
Sanders has a long and positive history with Trump, having served as his White House press secretary from 2017 to 2019.
Jerry Moran: Senator, Arkansas
Trump’s second endorsement of the 2022 campaign season is Jerry Moran, the Republican incumbent senator from Arkansas. He was the first member of Congress to receive an endorsement from the former president.
Moran voted with most Republican senators to acquit Trump of his impeachment charge of inciting the pro-Trump storming of the U.S. Capitol on January 6. —>READ MORE HERE
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