Jesus' Coming Back

One Of The Faces Of German Neo-Nazism Is A Turkish Vegan Who Considers Jews Parasites

Attila Hildmann — a self-described “ultra right-winger” of Turkish origin who was brought up by German adoptive parents — was widely-known in Germany for his vegan recipe books and frequent appearances on TV food programs over the previous decade. But with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, Hildmann became one of the leaders of the protest movement opposed to social distancing and other public health measures that has won huge support on the German far right.

Throughout the crisis, Hildmann has used his channel on the social media platform Telegram to spread antisemitic claims about the global extent of “Jewish” and “Zionist” power among more than 120,000 followers. He has regularly deployed Nazi terms like “parasites” and “subhumans” to underline his accusation that the pandemic is a symptom of wider global conspiracy run by prominent Jews such as financier George Soros and Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

Hildmann has also conducted snap polls on his Telegram feed with questions such as, “Do you think Jews are a) human beings or b) lying parasites?” According to German broadcaster DW, that particular question attracted around 2,500 answers, with 60 percent of respondents choosing the second option.

Hildmann was reported to have gone into hiding in February following increased scrutiny of his antics from the Berlin police, who searched his apartment and confiscated laptops, cellphones and potentially “seditious” documents. Last Thursday, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office issued an arrest warrant for Hildmann, who promptly appeared on Twitter to confirm that he was now in Turkey — lauding the country as the “land of my blood” and railing against Germany as a “Jewish republic.”


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