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Major League Baseball’s Cowardly ‘Stand’; Psaki Snaps When Asked If Biden Would Support U.S. Beijing Olympics Boycott, Given His Support For MLB Boycott In Georgia, and related stories

Major League Baseball’s Cowardly ‘Stand’:

Major League Baseball (MLB) commissioner Rob Manfred announced that it would not be holding its 2021 All-Star Game or draft in Georgia as originally planned because of the state’s much — and unfairly — maligned new elections law. Here’s the full statement:

Over the last week, we have engaged in thoughtful conversations with Clubs, former and current players, the Players Association, and The Players Alliance, among others, to listen to their views. I have decided that the best way to demonstrate our values as a sport is by relocating this year’s All-Star Game and MLB Draft.
Major League Baseball fundamentally supports voting rights for all Americans and opposes restrictions to the ballot box. In 2020, MLB became the first professional sports league to join the non-partisan Civic Alliance to help build a future in which everyone participates in shaping the United States. We proudly used our platform to encourage baseball fans and communities throughout our country to perform their civic duty and actively participate in the voting process. Fair access to voting continues to have our game’s unwavering support.
We will continue with our plans to celebrate the memory of Hank Aaron during this season’s All-Star festivities. In addition, MLB’s planned investments to support local communities in Atlanta as part of our All-Star Legacy Projects will move forward. We are finalizing a new host city and details about these events will be announced shortly.

What a humiliating spectacle for the league and the country. Manfred doesn’t state what the MLB’s problems with the bill are because he either can’t or is embarrassed to have to articulate them out loud. —>READ MORE HERE

Psaki Snaps When Asked If Biden Would Support U.S. Beijing Olympics Boycott, Given His Support For MLB Boycott In Georgia:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki flipped out when a reporter asked her if President Joe Biden has plans to evaluate the U.S.’s participation in the Beijing Olympics given his support for Major League Baseball to examine boycotting Georgia over a new election reforms law.

“The president voiced his support for MLB making a decision about the all-star game in Georgia. I’m wondering when can we expect final determination from the president about the United States participating in the Beijing Olympics given that he said the Chinese president doesn’t have a ‘democratic bone’ in his body,” RealClearPolitics’s Philip Wegmann asked Psaki on Friday.

Communist China does not have fair and free elections. The regime has also been repeatedly condemned for its genocide against the Uyghur Muslims in the Xinjiang province in China.

“Well I think the U.S. Olympic Committee would play a big role in-,” Psaki began before Wegmann interrupted to push her for an answer concerning Biden’s position.

Then, instead of answering his question, Psaki insulted the reporter. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Republicans call for removing MLB antitrust exemption in response to Georgia boycott

Tom Cotton calls out MLB for punishing Georgia over voting law while partnering with communist China

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