Jesus' Coming Back

Who are the cast of key characters in Netanyahu’s trial?

First Witness:

Former Walla CEO Ilan Yeshua who helped break open Case 4000, the Walla-Bezeq Affair for which Netanyahu stands accused of bribery


Attorney-General Avichai MandelblitAVICHAI MANDELBLIT (Credit: Marc Israel Sellem)AVICHAI MANDELBLIT (Credit: Marc Israel Sellem)Former state attorney Shai Nitzan
Lead prosecutor Liat Ben Ari
Lead Case 4000 prosecutor Yehudit Tirosh

Netanyahu defense lawyers:

Boaz Ben Tzur
Amit HadadAmit Hadad (Credit: REFAEL MIZRAHI)Amit Hadad (Credit: REFAEL MIZRAHI)Rivka Friedman-Feldman
Moshe Bar-Am
Oded Shoham

Former top Netanyahu aides turned state’s witnesses:

Shlomo Filber – accusing Netanyahu of bribery in Case 4000 after carrying out his illegal orders
Shlomo Filber (Credit: Reuters)Shlomo Filber (Credit: Reuters)Nir Hefetz – accusing Netanyahu of bribery in Case 4000 after carrying out his illegal orders
Ari Harow – providing background, but not direct accusations in Cases 1000 and 2000, recorded key Netanyahu meetings (by prime minister’s order) in Case 2000
Ari Harow (Credit: WWW.ARIHAROW.COM)Ari Harow (Credit: WWW.ARIHAROW.COM)

Other Key Players:

Shaul Elovitch – in Case 4000, owner of Walla and of Bezeq and accused of bribing Netanyahu
Iris Elovitch – in Case 4000, wife of Shaul and accused of assisting in the bribery scheme
Zeev Rubinstein – a long-time friend of Netanyahu and Elovitch, who also had business connections to Elovitch and allegedly was a middle man for the Walla part of the media bribery scheme
Sara Netanyahu – the prime minister’s wife, a middle person for the Walla part of the Case 4000 media bribery scheme and received allegedly illegal gifts in Case 1000, but not indicted as a defendantSara Netanyahu (Credit: Marc Israel Sellem)Sara Netanyahu (Credit: Marc Israel Sellem)Eitan Tzafrir – Communications Ministry chief of staff who allegedly aided in Bezeq schemes
Avi Berger – Communications Ministry director-general who Netanyahu fired for blocking Bezeq schemes; he was replaced by Shlomo Filber
Arnon “Nuni” Mozes – in Case 2000, owner of Yediot Ahronot and accused of attempting to bribe Netanyahu
Arnon Milchin – in Case 1000, allegedly gave Netanyahu NIS 462,602 worth of illegal gifts
Hadas Kline – aide to Milchin and accusing Netanyahu of illegalities in Case 1000


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