Jesus' Coming Back

‘I Will Never Apologize’ for Defending ‘the Unborn,’ Meghan McCain Tells Planned Parenthood

‘I Will Never Apologize’ for Defending ‘the Unborn,’ Meghan McCain Tells Planned Parenthood

Author and conservative commentator Meghan McCain pushed back Wednesday on criticism from Planned Parenthood by saying she will “never” stop defending the unborn.

McCain has become one of the more outspoken pro-lifers in America in recent months, partially because of her social media platform but also because of her co-host position on ABC’s The View.

Planned Parenthood criticized McCain’s pro-life views in a Wednesday tweet, pointing to comments by The View co-host Sara Haines about abortion. Haines was referencing her support for vaccine passports when she said this week, “I cannot argue privacy on a public health issue like this when I don’t understand how the most private thing in my body – my uterus – seems to be open for business when it is convenient politically.”

Haines did not reference McCain in the comment, and McCain did not respond. Nevertheless, Planned Parenthood quoted a tweet that said the comments were directed from “Sara to Meghan McCain.” Planned Parenthood’s tweet included fire emojis.

McCain defended her views in a tweet directed at Planned Parenthood.

“I believe life begins at conception – I will NEVER apologize or back down from defending the rights of the most vulnerable in our society, the unborn,” said McCain, who is the daughter of former GOP presidential nominee John McCain.

McCain’s tweet drew applause from the pro-life community.

“Thank you for standing up for women & children, Meghan!” Live Action tweeted.

“Life begins at conception and ends at Planned Parenthood,” Susan B. Anthony List wrote on its timeline.

McCain later added, “Always. Abortion is murder.”

When several commenters on McCain’s timeline said pro-lifers care about babies before they are born, but not after, Live Action chimed in: “In a single year, PRO-LIFE Pregnancy Resource Centers: Served 1.85M people, Provided $267M in FREE services, Gave parenting courses to 313,328, Provided 1,290,079 packs of diapers, Supplied 2,033,513 baby outfits. Not one is run by a ‘pro-choice’ advocate.”


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Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Cindy Ord/Stringer

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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