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Biden Disapproval Soars As Over 170,000 Illegal Immigrants Flood The US In March, Most In A Decade; ICE Converting These Seven Hotels Into ‘casas’ for Migrant Families, and related stories

Biden Disapproval Soars As Over 170,000 Illegal Immigrants Flood The US In March, Most In A Decade:

Biden made a campaign pledge to fix the border with Mexico. Let’s investigate how he’s doing starting with polls then the hard facts.

Only 24% Approve How Biden Is Handling Border Kids

According to an AP NORC Poll few are satisfied with President Biden’s approach to immigration, border security, and particularly toward the recent surge of unaccompanied children at the southern border.

That question specifically addressed children. —>READ MORE HERE

EXCLUSIVE: ICE converting these seven hotels into ‘casas’ for migrant families:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement is taking over seven hotels near the southern border starting Friday as the federal agency begins placing migrant families released from Border Patrol custody into the hotels.

Hundreds of people who illegally came over the U.S.-Mexico border with a family member will be placed in hotels in El Paso, Texas, and Chandler, Arizona, this Friday as the Biden administration spends tens of millions of dollars to house people despite having its own holding centers, according to internal documents reviewed by the Washington Examiner. ICE has not revealed whether the families will be sent back to their home countries or released into the United States.

The Biden administration faces a growing problem at the border, where more people are coming across between land ports of entry than during the 2019 humanitarian crisis. U.S. authorities had been returning all children, families, and adults to Mexico since the start of the coronavirus pandemic last March, but a change in Mexican law has blocked the return of families with young children who come into the U.S. through South Texas. As a result, families must be taken into custody, but the Biden administration is struggling to house everyone.

The Department of Homeland Security’s ICE agency has dubbed each hotel that will house migrants as a “casa,” the Spanish word for house. —>READ MORE HERE

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