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Biden Admin to Release 400 Migrant Families Per Day by June, Up From 50 in January; Fake families swarm border; none prosecuted; Border agents performing fewer DNA tests to catch fake families under Biden, and related stories

Biden administration to release 400 migrant families per day by June, up from 50 in January:

The Biden administration anticipates that it will be releasing 400 migrant families into the country a day by mid-June as the influx of people encountered illegally crossing the border overwhelms its detention capacity, according to a government planning document.

The 400 figure is eight times greater than the 50 families that Border Patrol and Immigration and Customs Enforcement were releasing from its facilities each day early on in 2021. As of mid-March, Border Patrol agents were seeing 500 people arrive as part of a family group per day.

“The number of individuals enrolled in the ICE Alternatives to Detention program has increased from 50 per day to 200 per day in March 2021,” an ICE document states. “Within 90 days, the enrollment is projected to double to 400 per day. It is because of this unusual and compelling urgency that the Government requires the [emergency family reception sites] to meet the critical mission requirements of housing, feeding, transporting, and providing medical attention to these thousands of asylum-seeking families along the southwest border.” —>READ MORE HERE

Lack of resources lets fake families cross border without punishment:

A 36-year-old Brazilian man caught jumping the border over the weekend pointed to an 8-year-old girl with him and claimed she was his daughter.

Agents didn’t believe him. After questioning the two immigrants, they realized their stories didn’t match up. The man then admitted he was a friend of the child’s mother in Brazil and was using the girl to pretend to be a family, hoping to take advantage of the more lenient treatment U.S. policy affords parents who show up with children in tow.

Fake families plagued border authorities during the 2019 surge, and experts say they are pouring through again.

Yet the Homeland Security Department’s use of DNA testing to validate family relationships has plummeted more than 90% this year, according to the latest statistics. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

+++++Border agents performing fewer DNA tests to catch fake families under Biden+++++

Border Patrol Agents Bust Multiple ‘Fraudulent Family Units’ Who Illegally Entered U.S.

Migrant families being released without notices to appear in court

Border Patrol not returning majority of families to Mexico despite Biden administration claims

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