Jesus' Coming Back

‘He sounds unhinged’: Real Madrid boss Perez says Super League ISN’T dead in ‘bizarre’ interview suggesting conspiracy killed plan

Real Madrid president Florentino Perez returned to Spanish airwaves last night to give another bizarre interview in which he claimed the Super League isn’t dead before going into conspiracy mode.

This time appearing on the radio and the El Larguero program, Perez denied that the breakaway competition, which has just four of its founding 12 members left, is finished. 

“If anyone thinks the Super League is dead, are they wrong? Absolutely,” he balked.

“We’re going to keep working and what everyone thinks is for the best will emerge.

“The project is on standby. The Super League still exists,” Perez insisted.

“I don’t think [the other clubs] have left yet. It’s clear in the contract that you can’t leave. Most people involved are directors who know this world,” he added.

When probed on why a select group should have the right to establish such a closed tournament, Perez said: “These teams have earned this.”

“These are the teams that over the last 20 years have earned this. They have the biggest social media followings and the most fans,” he argued.

Then questioned why members of his club, where he has just won a third election unchallenged, weren’t consulted on his decision, Perez went into defensive mode. 

“Do I have to ask them which players to sign as well?” he scoffed.

“If we tell Real Madrid fans we’ll play against one of the Manchester teams or Barcelona each week, do you think they’d say ‘no’?

“Do you not think they’d like – everything else staying the same – to play big teams instead of these matches that aren’t interesting until the quarter-finals?

“There are some matches that I struggle to watch,” he admitted.

Confessing that he had been made “sad and disappointed,” Perez branded the Champions League “obsolete” and expressed shock towards widespread backlash that followed Sunday’s announcement.

“We’ve been working on this project for three years,” he revealed, “[But] I’ve never seen so much aggression, it’s as if it were orchestrated, it surprised us all.”

“I’ve been in football for 20 years, it’s an aggression I’ve never seen in my life. We’ve had threats, it’s like we killed someone, killed football.”

Trailing off into conspiracy mode, it seems Perez lays the blame at one of the six Premier League outfits that had cold feet for causing a domino effect. 

“Someone in the English group didn’t have a lot of interest, and that became contagious,” said Perez.

“One of them was never convinced…[The English clubs] left because of the atmosphere. UEFA put on a show. It was like we let off an atomic bomb. Perhaps we haven’t presented and explained it well, but they haven’t given us the opportunity either.”

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“There were 40 [Chelsea supporters] and I can tell you who put them there,” Perez ranted on, of a fan protest outside Stamford Bridge hours before the west London club pulled out.

“[It’s] the same person who gave Cadiz [anti-Super League] t-shirts,” Perez alleged, in a nod to La Liga head and often nemesis Javier Tebas.

“That isn’t normal. Football is a world of values,” he stated.

With one last pearler still left in him, Perez, who has reportedly just offered David Alaba a five-year, $556,000 a week contract, was adamant that big signings such as Kylian Mbappe and Erling Haaland “won’t exist without the Super League”.

“Not for Madrid or anyone. It’s impossible if the money doesn’t flow.”

Called everything from a “clown” to a “lunatic” by social media onlookers, Perez was also compared to “an elderly relative who spouts batsh*t crazy nonsense every time he opens his mouth”.

“Which is fine as a figure of harmless parody,” it was continued.

“Less so if you think it’s a good idea to break away from 150 years of football tradition and make him leader of your new cult.”

“The most bizarre thing is that Florentino generally rarely speaks,” someone else pointed out.

“And now he sounds unhinged, which is so unlike him. It’s a sign of a man who’s completely unwilling and unable to accept reality, and accept defeat.”


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