Jesus' Coming Back

JCN’s Parker Unveils Times Square Billboard Demanding MLB Move All-Star Game Back to GA

Job Creators Network Foundation President Elaine Parker said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox & Friends Weekend” that her organization was calling out Major League Baseball for moving the All-Star Game out of Atlanta over their objections to a new voting law with a Times Square billboard.

Parker said, “The commissioner clearly has all strikes and no balls. That is why we put up this billboard in Time Square. Think about it. Strike one, gave into the woke crowd and misinformation about lies about this Georgia voting law. Two, he made the decision to move the game out of Georgia based on false information. Strike three, he cost the state $100 million, mainly hurting minority businesses based on false information. We’re here to demand he brings the game back to the state of Georgia because three strikes you’re out.”

She added, “In Atlanta, you mentioned 51%, there are nine times black-owned businesses in Atlanta than in Denver. As much as they are following all of this misinformation and perpetuating all of these lies, they’re actually hurting the very people they claim to be helping. Overall small businesses in Atlanta will be hurt.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


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