Charles Hurt: Biden Declares War on America

Stop and think about what a sick perversion that statement is. Imagine if Joe Biden had written the preamble to our Constitution.
“The government of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.”
It’s all about “the government.”
That really is where the guy is coming from. In his eyes, the federal government is “we the people” and you stupid suckers out there need to just shut up and pay your taxes. He will spend your money for you.
That’s how this guy comes up with a long, insufferable speech all about government power and nothing about individual freedom. Never once did he utter the word “individual.” Mr. Biden used the word “freedom” just once.
Yet he said “government” four times and mentioned vaccines 16 times. Naturally, he went hog wild on taxes, using the word 20 times.
For Joe Biden, it’s not all just about forced masks and vaccinations. It’s more about taxes than it is anything else. But there has to be raw power behind all the threats in order to take your taxes. That is why Mr. Biden declared war on America on Wednesday night.
We must, he said, “suppress future threats to the homeland.”
In the last 20 years of wars that Mr. Biden has jubilantly supported, “terrorism has metastasized,” he said. “The threat has evolved way beyond Afghanistan.”
“The most lethal terrorist threat to the homeland today?” he opined. “White supremacy’s terrorism,” he declared.
Maybe that’s why Mr. Biden wants to pull troops out of Afghanistan. He wants to redeploy them here at home for his newest global war on terror.
• Charles Hurt is opinion editor of The Washington Times.
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