Border Police clash with protesters, MKs in Sheikh Jarrah – Watch
Israel Police and Border Police officers clashed with dozens of protesters in the Palestinian neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah in east Jerusalem Friday afternoon.Two protesters were arrested by officers after throwing rocks and endangering officers on the scene.
Balad chair Sami Abu Shehadeh said he will join protesters at Sheikh Jarrah on Friday “to continue the struggle for the rights of the residents.”
Protests began at Sheikh Jarrah at 4:00 p.m. Israel time. The IDF has sent reinforcement to the area, preparing for possible riots to break out later during the day.בדרך לשיח’ ג’ראח לחזק את תושביה בימים קשים אלו. מאבקם הצודק של התושבים אמור להיות גם מאבקם של כל שוחרי הצדק והשוויון ומתנגדי העוול והכיבוש.נתראה היום בשיח’ ג’ראח בשעה 16:00 להמשיך להיאבק למען זכות התושבים בבתיהם ונגד גירושם.— Sami Abou Shahadeh (@ShahadehAbou) May 7, 2021
MK Abu Shehadeh was joined by other MKs, primarily from the Joint List, including MK Ofer Cassif, MK Ahmad Tibi and MK Osama Saadi. Meretz MK Mossi Raz also attended the protest. “We came here in the hundreds – Palestinians and Jews – to demonstrate against the racist act of theft taking place in Sheikh Jarrah and against Kahanists and the worse possible racists acting under the active protection of the government,” MK Cassif said in a video taken at the protest.
MK Cassif claimed that police officers pushed him and caused his glasses to break again, following a similar incident that took place last month.
Joint List MK Ofer Cassif and MK Ahmad Tibi face Border Police officers in Sheikh Jarrah, May 7, 2021. (Credit: Joint List Spokesperson)Later on Friday, MK Tibi told Ynet that he was pushed as well. Video footage from the protest shows the MK shouting “This is illegal,” while Border Police officers ignore his plea.Tensions remained high in Sheikh Jarrah throughout the day.
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