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Democrats Scramble To Find Support For Partisan ‘Power-Grab’ Election Bill; Cruz: Senate Bill ‘Designed to Ensure Democrats Never Lose Another Election’, and related stories

Democrats Scramble To Find Support For Partisan ‘Power-Grab’ Election Bill:

Democrats are scrambling to find support for their 800-page election overhaul bill that would eliminate the opportunity for states to protect themselves against modifications that were weaponized in the 2020 election, such as expanded vote-by-mail options and lax voter ID laws.

Misleadingly named the “For The People Act of 2021,” the bill is clearly a partisan one. Not only did it pass the House of Representatives without any support from the GOP, but new reports suggest that leftist sponsors such as the Sixteen Thirty Fund have funneled at least $2 million into passing H.R. 1 and other leftist legislation to further Democrat agendas.

Republicans have not been shy about their opposition to the bill. In March, GOP representatives and senators slammed the legislation as a “power grab” orchestrated by Democrats hellbent on “giving the uni-party in the swamp power, funding politicians with taxpayer dollars, and preventing the use of voter identification laws.” Republicans say that “one-party takeover of our political system,” as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell called it, is unnecessary and downright unfair as it extends special voting privileges to illegal migrants and people whose ballots do not arrive by election day. —>READ MORE HERE

Cruz: Senate Bill ‘Designed to Ensure Democrats Never Lose Another Election’:

This legislation I believe is the most radical legislation the Senate has considered in the nine years I’ve been here and it is the most dangerous legislation pending before the United States Congress.

I listened to the speeches this morning. I listened to Sen. [Chuck] Schumer’s speech where he recounted this country’s shameful history of Jim Crow laws. And he’s right. Jim Crow laws were bigoted, racist, and disenfranchised millions of people.

It is worth remembering that those Jim Crow laws were drafted by Democrats. They were implemented by Democrats and they kept Democrats in power.

Now today’s talking point repeated in the media is that was the Democrats of yesterday, not today. Well today, the Democrats are doing it again. This legislation—to use a phrase that has been popularized on the media recently—is Jim Crow 2.0. This legislation would disenfranchise millions of Americans.

Many of us are referring to this legislation as the “Corrupt Politicians Act” … Sen. Schumer talked about politicians picking their constituents. That’s what this legislation does. This legislation is designed to ensure that Democrats never lose another election.

This legislation would register millions of illegal aliens to vote. It is intended to do that. It is intended to do that because Democrats have made the decision that millions of illegal aliens voting are likely to vote for Democrats. This would register vast numbers of criminals and felons to vote because Democrats have made the decisions that criminals and felons are likely to vote for Democrats. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

Senate Republicans rename Democrats’ elections bill the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act’

‘Partly Constitutional’ Isn’t Enough: Senate Should Reject the ‘For the People Act’

Why Republicans are fighting S1, the election overhaul bill

McConnell vows Senate Republicans will resist ‘power-grab’ HR1 election bill

Trump calls on US to follow UK lead with voter ID plans as Democrats push HR1

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