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TRUMP NEWS: Trump’s Huge 2023 Decision; Why Trump’s 2023 Decision Could Come in 2021 or 2022, and other Trump related news

Trump’s Huge 2023 Decision:

Republicans are holding their breath as he decides whether to run again

Sometime in 2023, Donald Trump will presumably make the most momentous decision by a single person affecting the fate of the Republican Party in decades.

He will decide whether to run for president again, and that will determine who’s the front-runner (Trump, if he’s a go) and the contours of the race.

If Trump runs, he will, one assumes, blot out the sun. Everything will be about him — his record, his pronouncements, his animosities. Much of the conservative mass media will get on board, while the mainstream media — inadvertently aiding him, yet again — will be even more intensely hostile.

The choice between this and a more “normal” nomination battle is Trump’s alone.

Perhaps not since Dwight Eisenhower turned aside Harry Truman’s entreaties to run for president as a Democrat and threw his hat in the ring as a Republican has someone had such “yea or nay” influence over the nation’s politics. —>READ MORE HERE

Why Trump’s 2023 Decision Could Come in 2021 or 2022:

Rich Lowry argues, on the homepage, that Donald Trump’s decision in 2023 to run again – or not – in 2024 will be momentous for the Republican future:

Sometime in 2023, Donald Trump will presumably make the most momentous decision by a single person affecting the fate of the Republican Party in decades. He will decide whether to run for president again, and that will determine who’s the front-runner (Trump, if he’s a go) and the contours of the race. If Trump runs, he will, one assumes, blot out the sun. Everything will be about him — his record, his pronouncements, his animosities. Much of the conservative mass media will get on board, while the mainstream media — inadvertently aiding him, yet again — will be even more intensely hostile.

I agree (though I question how “inadvertent” is the mainstream media’s tactic of elevating Trump against all Republican alternatives). One of the hopes of any strategy of denying Trump attention is to build consensus around an alternative, partly with the aim of convincing Trump that it is a better play to be kingmaker than try again to be king. But allow me to offer a more depressing suggestion: there is no particular reason to think that Trump will wait until then to announce a 2024 candidacy. Nothing bars Trump from launching a campaign much earlier. —>READ MORE HERE

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