Jesus' Coming Back

Chinese Pastor Brutally Beaten in Police Custody Encourages Others to Hold Fast to the Faith

(ChinaAid) Guiyang, Guizhou Province — At approximately 11 pm (Beijing time) on May 23, as Pastor Yang Hua of Guiyang Living Stone Church, planned to visit Christians in Qingdao, local Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police seized and transported him to their station. While officers detained Pastor Yang in their station, a leader of the Guiyang Yunyan District Party Committee punched and so severely injured him that an official phoned 120 [ER phone number in China]. Dispatched medical personnel then transported Pastor Yang to the hospital ER.

In 2009, more than 500 Christians originally established Guiyang Living Stone Church. Six years later in 2015, Guiyang City government officials forcibly shut down the building where the Christians worshipped. In early 2016, CCP authorities seized the church’s property, and sold it to a commercial group for more than 5,000,000 yuan (779,909 USD)—a price much lower than its actual assessed value.

At that time, CCP officials seized Pastor Yang, falsely charged him with “deliberately divulging state secrets,” and sentenced him to serve 2.5 years in prison. Authorities did not release him until June 19, 2018, after he served the full term of his sentence. During Pastor Yang’s imprisonment, Wang Hongwu, his wife, publicly proclaimed that neither the CCP’s persecutions “nor attacks will shake my husband’s faith.”

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