Jesus' Coming Back

GOP Rep. Carl: ‘You Don’t Get Any More American than Memorial Day’ — ‘It’s What Makes So Many of the Things We Do Possible’

During an appearance on Mobile, AL radio’s FM Talk 106.5, Rep. Jerry Carl (R-AL) encouraged Americans to take a moment during the Memorial Day holiday to “slow down long enough” to thank God and those that paid the ultimate sacrifice for their country.

“[T]his weekend and this Monday is that rare opportunity to once a year that we get to honor the people that have served this country and that have given the ultimate sacrifice for it,” he said. “So, you know, I encourage everyone Monday to slow down long enough and thank God for this country and the people that have paid that ultimate sacrifice for this country.”

“I’m excited, and these are the kind of things that I live for,” Carl continued. “You don’t get any more American than Memorial Day. You truly don’t. It’s just an exciting day, and we come together as friends and colleagues and veterans. And we just pay respect. It’s a great day to be an American.  It truly is.”

The Alabama Republican freshman lawmaker also reminded listeners of the conditions under the pandemic that led to restrictions on some freedoms, which would not be possible in the first place without sacrifices from the military.

“[I]t’s what makes so many of the things we do possible,” he added. “You know, the simple fact that you can go vote and vote the way you want to vote. I mean, that’s what our military has fought and died for. That’s just one of many, many things. You know the freedoms that we just take for granted — you know, we’ve seen through this COVID, with being able to go out at certain businesses, wear masks and all of these things that infringe on what we consider to be normal privileges — that’s what they fought for. As simple as that is, that’s what they fought for. I’m not saying COVID wasn’t a bad situation — I don’t want to be quoted that way. I lost six friends to COVID. I look forward to looking back and seeing what we missed and what we got right during COVID.”

“But Memorial Day, I encourage everyone to get out and enjoy your families, take a moment and understand without these sacrifices, we could not spend time with our families,” Carl continued. “We could not enjoy them. Every one of us has some family that has paid that ultimate sacrifice. Unfortunately, we have fought for so many countries for so many people’s worldwide freedom. It comes home once a year, so let’s take a moment to celebrate it.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor


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