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Gov. Abbott Moves to Block Facilities for Child Migrants in Texas; Pulls Licenses of Biden’s Illegal Alien Housing Facilities; GOP Says Cost to House Migrant Kids ‘skyrocketing,’ , and related stories

Gov. Abbott moves to block facilities for child migrants in Texas:

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott moved to block federal housing for child migrants in the Lone Star State by ordering child-care regulators to pull licenses for the facilities that house minors detained after crossing the border illegally.

Abbott issued the directive on Tuesday that would affect 4,223 unaccompanied children who are being held in state-licensed facilities or child placement agencies, the Dallas Morning News reported.

There are 52 state-licensed residential operations and child placement agencies in Texas that have contracts with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement and care for the children.​

About 17,000 unaccompanied illegal immigrant children are in the US, according to Health and Human Services.​ —>READ MORE HERE

Gov. Abbott Pulls Licenses of Biden’s Illegal Alien Housing Facilities:

This is the kind of tactic we often see the Left do. And that we very rarely see conservatives even contemplate. It’s why the battle between the two sides consists of conservatives playing checkers while their opponents play chess.

The Left has a deep toolbox of procedural tactics that it’s always expanding. It benefits from a huge network with lots of allies and the knowledge that it can go outside, around, and through the law with little to no consequences. But even so there’s a huge failure of strategic imagination in conservative politics.

So it’s good to see governors like DeSantis and Abbott actually showing what you can do when you start working the system, instead of whining about how the system is unfair. —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

+++++Cost to house migrant kids ‘skyrocketing,’ GOP says+++++

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