Jesus' Coming Back

Biden’s ‘America Last’ G-7; Biden Goes Global with $40 Trillion ‘Build Back Better for the World’ Infrastructure Plan, and related stories

Biden’s ‘America Last’ G-7:

The Biden administration proudly attended the Group of Seven summit with the message to other world leaders, “America is back.”

Yes, America is back – back to repeating the eight years spent under the Obama administration of leading from behind and putting American interests last.

There were many fist bumps, photo-ops, and camaraderie among the six leaders of the world’s richest nations, and why wouldn’t there be? Unlike under the Trump administration, where Germany was challenged on wanting to work with Russia to complete the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, or where France was questioned about its unfair trade practices, and where all leaders were harangued into contributing their fair share in the NATO alliance, President Biden was just there to go along and get along.

Diplomacy is back, the mainstream media cooed. America is well-liked again. But what good is being liked if we’re not respected? If American interests are not put at the forefront of all discussions and communiques?

The leftist, progressive, feel-good issue of climate change was front and center among the G-7 discussions. The G-7 leaders all agreed to spend $100 billion a year to help poorer countries cut their carbon emissions to help reduce global warming. The president of the United States pledged billions of U.S. taxpayer monies in this vein, while China continues to build coal-fired power plants at a rate that outpaces the rest of the world combined.

It’s all for show – and Mr. Biden got fleeced. Until China decides — or is pressured – into going green, there’s little the G-7 can do to truly address climate change. Coal remains at the core of China’s economy. In 2019, 58% of the country’s total energy consumption came from coal, helping to explain why China accounts for 28% of all global CO2 emissions. —>READ MORE HERE

Joe Biden Goes Global with $40 Trillion ‘Build Back Better for the World’ Infrastructure Plan:

President Joe Biden will announce during talks with world leaders at the G7 summit on Saturday a global $40 trillion infrastructure plan to “Build Back Better for the World.”

During their meeting, World leaders at the G7 summit plan to meet about the importance of a “fair, sustainable, inclusive global economy,” including a discussion about China.

The White House previewed the initiative in a call with reporters, promoting a plan that would compete with China’s Belt and Road Initiative. (A White House official branded Biden’s Build Back Better for the World proposal as “B3W” as opposed to China’s “BRI.”)

“We’ve seen the Chinese government demonstrate a lack of transparency, poor environmental and labor standards, and a course of approach that’s left many countries worse off,” a senior official said.

Biden’s plan would offer a different option for the world, the official noted, competing with China by offering a plan with the “highest labor and environmental standards.” —>READ MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

The Coming ‘Build Back Better’ World

A $40 Trillion Global Infrastructure Plan: G7 Unveils ‘Build Back Better World’ (B3W) To Challenge China’s ‘Belt And Road Initiative'(BRI)

G7 rivals China with grand infrastructure plan

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