Jesus' Coming Back

IDF ups alert among Iron Dome batteries ahead of Jerusalem flag march

Israel’s defense establishment is bracing for potential violence in the West Bank as Palestinian groups warn against the controversial flag march set to take place Tuesday in the Old City of Jerusalem.
Border Police troops have reportedly been reinforced in Jerusalem’s Old City and the IDF has carried out ongoing situational assessments with other security bodies ahead of the planned march.
According to a security source quoted by Walla News, the IDF will beef up troops near known areas of friction in the West Bank for fear of potential terror attacks and will also increase the level of alert for Iron Dome batteries due to Hamas’s threats to respond to the flag march in Jerusalem.
In May, similar threats led to rocket fire towards the capital.
Incoming Public Security Minister Omer Barlev (Labor) met on Monday morning with Police Commissioner Kobi Shabati and received an overview of the police’s preparations for the march and at 4 p.m. is expected to hold a situational assessment where a decision will be made on whether or not to convene the security cabinet.
Ahead of the meeting, Barlev said that the march would go on as planned.
“In a democracy it is allowed and important to demonstrate within the confines of the law,” Barlev says. “We will hold a police assessment about the events and we will operate according to the recommendations of the police.”

Also on Monday – on the sidelines of the traditional picture of the new cabinet at the President’s Residence – Prime Minister Naftali Bennett spoke with Defense Minister Benny Gantz and Barlev regarding the march, Walla News reported.


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