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Bennett purges Yamina of MKs who opposed new government

Efforts to rid the Yamina faction of MKs who opposed forming the new government began on Tuesday, with the resignation of the next candidate on the list to enter the Knesset, Shai Maimon.

New Prime Minister Naftali Bennett wants his faction of seven MKs to be loyal to him and his government. 
After Religious Services Minister Matan Kahana quit the Knesset via the Norwegian Law on Sunday night to bring in deaf activist Shirley Pinto, Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked also wanted to resign. But she did not quit out of concern that Maimon, who was after Pinto on the list, would join the opposition and the coalition would lose its majority. 
Maimon said he decided to keep his promise not to join a coalition backed by “terror supporters,” a reference to the Ra’am (United Arab List) Party of MK Mansour Abbas. In the resignation letter he sent to Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, Maimon said he decided to leave Yamina’s list, because remaining would not bring the government down.
But sources who spoke to Maimon said another reason for his departure was that he wanted to be collegial to the next candidates on the list, who became friends with him as they campaigned together for the Knesset. Shaked can now resign in favor of the head of Yamina’s French-speaking campaign, attorney Yomtob Kalfon. 
Yamina has another portfolio to give out: the Community Affairs Ministry, which is expected to go to Yamina MK Nir Orbach, who would quit the Knesset via the Norwegian Law in favor of Yamina’s next candidate, the head of Yamina’s Russian-speaking campaign, Ashdod City Councilwoman Stella Weinstein.
The Expanded Norwegian Law, which was passed on June 15, 2020, enables ministers and deputy ministers to resign their Knesset seats to allow the next candidates on their party lists to take their place. Any minister who subsequently leaves the cabinet automatically reverts to becoming an MK and displaces the person for whom they made way. The coalition agreement calls for amending the Norwegian Law to enable factions like Yamina that has seven MKs to have four ministers and deputies resign.

Roni Sassover, who is next on the list and opposes the government, is expected to follow Maimon’s lead and resign from the list. Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office Abir Kara would then resign from the Knesset for his confidante, Ashkelon Cty Councilwoman Orna Shtarkman, who was part of the self-employed protesters group he headed, Ani Shulman.  
The candidate after Shtarkman is Bar-Ilan University professor Asher Cohen, who also opposes the government and would quit the list. After that happens, pressure would be applied to rebel Yamina MK Amichai Chikli to resign from the Knesset in favor of the candidate after him, the head of Yamina’s English-speaking campaign, Chicago-born Bennett adviser Jeremy Saltan. 
Saltan is a vocal supporter of joining the government.
“This unity government has the potential to do wonders,” Saltan said. “Shai is a close friend and I regret that he will not be a part of our future achievements. I think it speaks to his stellar character that he is returning the mandate over the options at his disposal. I am sure Shai will continue to do great things for the State of Israel.”


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