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Texas Announces $250 Million Border Wall Down Payment, Online Fundraiser; Texas and Arizona Governors Ask Other States to Send Police to Border as Crisis Rages; The Border Is Wide Open, And It’s Getting More Dangerous, and related stories

Texas announces $250 million border wall down payment, online fundraiser:

Gov. Greg Abbott announced a $250 million down payment Wednesday on his plan to have Texas build its own version of the border wall, and he said the state will also accept donations online from supporters who want to pay for more miles of wall.

The Republican governor, at a press conference in Austin, said he would like to see the federal government step up to its responsibility, but said he’s willing to have the state fill the gap.

He signed a directive to the Texas Facilities Commission to hire a project manager to oversee the planning and contracting.

“The Biden Administration has abandoned its responsibilities to secure the border and Texans are suffering as a result,” Mr. Abbott said. —>READ MORE HERE

Texas and Arizona Governors Ask Other States to Send Police to Border as Crisis Rages:

The Republican governors of Texas and Arizona sent a letter Thursday to governors across the country asking for law enforcement resources to confront the growing crisis on the country’s southern border.

In the joint letter from Gov. Greg Abbott and Doug Ducey, they asked their peers across the country to send officers to the border to help them stem the illegal flow of guns, drugs and people.

“In response to the ongoing surge of illegal border crossings, with the accompanying threats to private property and to the safety of our citizens, Governor Abbott has declared a disaster and Governor Ducey has declared an emergency,” said the letter, which was described as an “urgent request” for reinforcements.

The two border-state governors blamed the crisis on the Biden administration.

“When it comes to the Biden Administration’s open-border disaster, our greatest need is for additional law enforcement personnel and equipment,” they wrote. —>READ MORE HERE

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