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Marsha Blackburn: Chuck Schumer Holding Failed Vote on For the People Act to Placate Far Left

Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) told Breitbart News during a press conference on Tuesday that Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) is holding a likely to fail vote on the For the People Act to placate the far left, including a potential primary challenge from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

Blackburn held a press conference call ahead of a planned Tuesday vote on S. 1, the For the People Act. S. 1 serves as the Democrats’ marquee legislation that would radically transform America’s electoral system, giving the federal government significant control over the country’s election.

The legislation would:

  • Federalize control over congressional elections;
  • Declare that standard state and local maintenance of elections systems, such as purging ineligible voters from voter rolls, limiting vote-by-mail, requiring voter ID, and establishing rules against felons voting, would erode the right to vote;
  • Restrict lawsuits against the rules in S. 1 to the federal court system, which is, coincidentally, favorable to Democrats;
  • Establish online and automatic voter registration;
  • Protect illegal immigrants from prosecution if they vote;
  • Establish same-day voter registration;
  • Register minors to vote;
  • Mandate early voting;
  • Establish nationwide vote-by-mail without a voter ID; and
  • Allow ballots to be counted ten days after Election Day.

Blackburn, who served on Tennessee county’s election commission, said the legislation would “perpetuate a Democrat majority” and would serve as an “incumbent dream.”

The Tennessee conservative said she does not believe that the bill would garner the votes necessary to pass through the Senate, nor does she think Senate Republicans would support the bill.

Asked by Breitbart News why Schumer would hold a vote that would likely fail in the Senate, Blackburn said that Schumer wants to placate the far left, including ward off a potential primary challenge from leftist champion Ocasio-Cortez.

Blackburn told Breitbart News, “This is about positioning for him; in my opinion, he is concerned is that he is going to have a primary challenge from AOC. He is watching very closely what is happening on his left flank. They’re trying to keep the left is really in charge of the Democratic Party right now.”

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.


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