Jesus' Coming Back

Meghan McCain Blasts Biden on Abortion: ‘He’s Gonna Have to Ultimately Talk to His Creator’

Meghan McCain Blasts Biden on Abortion: ‘He’s Gonna Have to Ultimately Talk to His Creator’

Conservative commentator Meghan McCain on Monday criticized President Biden’s position on abortion, saying it’s illogical to personally oppose the procedure while supporting its legalization.

McCain made the comments on ABC’s The View as the panel discussed the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ consideration of a plan to deny communion to Catholic politicians, like Biden, who support legalized abortion.

“If you are a devout Catholic as President Biden claims to be, abortion is a cardinal sin,” McCain said. “It can do deep spiritual harm to you.”

Biden’s position on abortion, McCain said, is morally inconsistent.

“His official stance, by the way, is he’s politically opposed or personally opposed to abortion but doesn’t feel that he had the right to impose this view on the rest of the country. … For someone who claims to be pro-life, I never understand this argument,” she said. “It’s like saying, ‘I’m personally opposed to murder, but if you want to murder a little bit, it’s fine because it’s not my problem.’ It doesn’t register with me. I don’t get it.”

She criticized Biden for opposing the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits taxpayer-funded abortion.

“If he’s for the federal funding of abortion … as far as I’m concerned, abortion is murder, and that means the government funding of killing of the unborn and we have to, as pro-lifers, fight for the rights of the unborn,” she said.

McCain also defended the Catholic church’s position.

“He’s walking a very fine line here, and ultimately, all of these issues are literally life and death for Catholics, for devout Christians, and he’s gonna have to ultimately talk to his Creator when the time comes, as we all do and reconcile his politics with his personal faith,” McCain said. “I believe that he’s doing grave spiritual harm to himself and harm to this country.”

Earlier this year, U.S. Cardinal Raymond Burke argued on his own website that politicians who support abortion should not receive communion.

“Those who publicly and obstinately violate the moral law are, at least, in a state of apostasy, that is, they have effectively abandoned the faith by the obstinate refusal, in practice, to live in accord with fundamental truths of faith and morals (cf. can. 751),” Burke wrote. “An apostate from the faith incurs automatically the penalty of excommunication (cf. can. 1364). The Bishop of such a person must verify the conditions for the declaration of the penalty of excommunication, which has been automatically incurred.”


Catholic Politicians Who Support Abortion Should Be Excommunicated, Cardinal Says

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Cindy Ord/Stringer

Michael Foust has covered the intersection of faith and news for 20 years. His stories have appeared in Baptist Press, Christianity Today, The Christian Post, the Leaf-Chroniclethe Toronto Star and the Knoxville News-Sentinel.


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