Jesus' Coming Back

Most Americans Support Early Voting, Voter ID Requirements: Monmouth University Poll

Most Americans Support Early Voting, Voter ID Requirements: Monmouth University Poll

According to a new poll by Monmouth University, an overwhelming majority of Americans support laws requiring voters to show photo identification in order to vote in elections.

The poll, which was released on Monday, found that 80 percent of Americans support voter ID laws, whereas 18 percent oppose them. Between political parties, voter ID support stood at 62 percent among Democrats, 87 percent among independents, and 91 percent among Republicans.

“The poll contains some seemingly conflicting information on voter access,” Patrick Murray, director of Monmouth University Polling Institute, said in a statement. “The bottom line seems to be that most Democrats and Republicans want to take the potential for election results to be questioned off the table. The problem, though, is they aren’t likely to agree on how to get there.”

Americans also showed strong support for making the in-person early voting process more accessible, with 71 percent of respondents believing it should be easier. Only 16 percent said that early voting should be more difficult.

Opinion grew even more divided regarding voting by mail, as 50 percent said it should be made easier and 39 percent said it should be made harder.

Regarding the results of the 2020 election, the Monmouth University poll found that 32 percent of Americans continue to believe Joe Biden won because of voter fraud. This number has remained unchanged since November.

On the other hand, 61 percent said Biden won “fair and square,” a slight drop from 65 percent in January.

The poll also found that a relatively steady number of people who either identify as Republicans or who lean Republican believe Biden won only because of voter fraud. In November, 66 percent believed Biden won because of fraud. That number increased slightly in January to 69 percent. It then began to drop by small amounts, with 64 percent believing Biden won because of fraud in March and 63 percent currently believing Biden won because of fraud.

“The continuing efforts to question the validity of last year’s election is deepening the partisan divide in ways that could have long-term consequences for our Democracy, even if most Americans don’t quite see it that way yet,” Murray said.

The Monmouth University Poll was conducted from June 9-14, 2021, with a national random sample of adults using landline and cellular phone interviews.

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Hermosa Wave

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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