Jesus' Coming Back

Major Rabbi In Israel Goes Against The LGBT Agenda And Declares: “It Is Our Right To Protest Legitimately And Legally Against These Abomination Parades.”

By Theodore Shoebat

A major rabbi in Israel, Dror Aryeh, spoke against Israel’s most recent sodomite rally, as we read in the Jerusalem Post:

Rabbi Dror Aryeh, one of the leaders in the movement, spoke against the parade, saying, “those who didn’t want us on ground, will get us in the air. We will get to as many people as possible with our message, it is our right to protest legitimately and legally against these abomination parades.”

Aryeh claimed that many of the residents of the cities where parades take place are against the parades, but are “scared” of the LGBTQ+ community. “We are their voice,” said Aryeh.

The anti-LGBTQ+ Noam Party was founded by members of Hazon, a hardline national-religious organization that campaigns against reform Jews and the LGBTQ+ community.

Hazon entered the public eye in 2019 after the organization displayed a large banner on a hotel near the entrance to Jerusalem reading, “A father and a mother = a family. The courage to be normal.”

This banner was part of a much larger campaign started by Hazon, a movement that describes itself as dedicated to “returning the Jewish character to the national agenda in Israel.” The campaign was centered on using the time before the election to pressure politicians to agree to a religious Jewish agenda for the State.

“in the street of the great city that symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.”

— St. John

“They also devoured what spoils they had taken…

and indulged themselves in feminine wantonness” — Josephus

We read the words of John the Revelator, of how Jerusalem was called Sodom, and we perceive this to be symbolic. But this is based on the assumption that the deranged ways of Sodom that we see popular in our own times, could not have existed in ancient Judea where the laws of Moses were memorized. But this perception is not really based on the historical realities of Judea, but is merely — as we have already said — based on assumption. For reading the Old Testament we find that the Hebrews indeed partook in the evils of Sodom. “And there were also sodomites in the land: and they did according to all the abominations of the nations which the Lord cast out before the children of Israel.” (1 Kings 14:24) By sodomites this verse is referring to the qedeshim or the “male temple-prostitutes” of the Canaanites. (See Albright, Archeology and the Religion of Israel, ch. v, p. 159)  Male prostitution was a part of the pagan religion of the Canaanites, and was something that the Hebrews adopted when they rebelled against the Law of Moses. Thus, the presence of homosexuality was a sign of Israel’s fall. The homosexual cult of the Canaanite became so intrenched in ancient Israel that it caused a civil war which split up the entire nation, between Judah and the rest of the Hebrew tribes. This civil war, which was a split between North (Samaria) and South Israel, sparked when Jeroboam cast out the Levites and “appointed his own priests for the high places and for the goat idols and for the calves that he had made.” (2 Chronicles 11:15)

Eventually Abijah defeated Jeroboam who “did not recover his power in the days of Abijah. And the Lord struck him down, and he died.” (2 Chronicles 13:20) The homosexual priesthood was elevated in Judah — after its split from Israel — but was eventually purged by King Josiah when he “brake down the houses of the sodomites, that were by the house of the Lord, where the women wove hangings for the grove.” (2 Kings 23:7)  When Israel rebelled against God, they turned to Sodom; and when a righteous king arose, Sodom was purged from the land.

Here we see the struggle between two cities — that of Sodom and that of the heavenly Jerusalem; earthly Jerusalem is not exempt from this cosmic war, and when she unleashed her spite against Heaven and murdered the Son of God, she too was overtaken by Sodom. It was there, in Jerusalem, where their Lord was crucified, (Revelation 11:8) and “darkness came over the whole land” (Luke 23:44), as if to say that God’s presence was no more. The Temple had become an empty shell, with its bones dead and its flesh rotting, vacuous of a soul, it was left to thieves.

Even though “they knew God, they glorified him not as God” (Romans 1:21) and “God gave them over to a reprobate mind” (Romans 1:28). For did they not reject God when they called for His Son to be crucified, and they preferred a murderer — Barabbas — over Christ? Had not Jerusalem, for its murder of Christ, become worse than Sodom? “Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.” (Mark 6:11) Jerusalem, on account of the Crucifixion of Christ, became Sodom.

Just as the Hebrews would turn to Sodom when they rejected God, so would they as well turn to Sodom when they rejected Christ. God declared of the Jews through the prophet Isaiah:

“Israel is a nation of sin, a people loaded down with guilt, a group of children doing evil, children who are full of evil. They have left the LORD; they hate God, the Holy One of Israel, and have turned away from him as if he were a stranger.” (Isaiah 1:4)

And in this state, God refers to Israel as Sodom:

“Hear the word of the Lord,

    you rulers of Sodom!” (Isaiah 1:10)

And Jerusalem, after she had murdered Christ, is called Sodom by  the prophet John: “in the street of the great city that symbolically is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.” (Revelation 11:8) The spirit of Sodom manifested itself during the Jews’ conflict with Rome over the city of Jerusalem. In much of the conflict, the Jews murdered each other and fought in a vicious civil war over who was going to control the Temple. We have already written on the bloody conflict that took place within the city; how the Zealots, led by one John, vied with the Pharisees (led by Ananus or Hanan ben Hanan); how they made a pact with the Arab Jews of Iduemea (modern day Jordan), and how these Arabians invaded Jerusalem by the tens of thousands, butchering multitudes (thousands upon thousands) of their fellow Jews.

We have already written on how the city had become an ocean of blood and gore spilt by the swords of the Arabs and their Zealot allies, and how these gangs of marauders robbed and pillaged every house they entered. We have already elaborated on this bloodbath, in order to demonstrate the nightmare Jerusalem was in almost seven decades after that city saw the Crucifixion. Knowing briefly of this, let us elaborate further into the nightmarish state Judea was in, so as to have a better understanding of the hellish atmosphere that surrounded the land when it got possessed by the abysmal spirit of Sodom.

After the Zealots murdered Ananus, a new leader would arise to war against John, who at the time ruled Jerusalem. His name was Simon, who was from the land of Gerasa. He was not as cunning as John, but his physical strength and warlike prowess gained him a powerful following. After he heard of the death of Ananus, he knew that this was his moment to make a name for himself and gain followers. He went to the mountains of the rugged countryside, and there he proclaimed that whosoever should follow him, will have liberty and rewards. He recruited enough people to form a gang of bandits, “wicked men from all quarters.” (Josephus, Wars, 4.9.3).

Together they conquered the villages that lied on the mountains of the countryside, and the more he conquered, the more recruits he gained, and the people who were under him were loyal to Simon as if he was their king. He went all the way to Idumea where he fortified a town called Nain and made it into his headquarters. He then set his eyes on the Zealots, his enemies and slaughtered a great number of them in battle. Simon’s army swelled up to twenty-thousand armed men, and at this point he declared war against the Arab Jews of Iduema. The Arab Jews, seeing that Simon’s army was approaching, gathered up their most fiercest of warriors (about twenty-five thousand in number), and a battle ensued at the border of Idumea.

The fighting was so ferocious, that it went on for almost an entire day, and still the battle was not won by either side, and so they both left the fray; Simon returned to Nain and the Iduemeans to their quarters. The Arabians stayed inside of a fortress called Herodium in the Judean desert. Simon sent one of his companions, Eleazar, to go to the fortress and demand that the Arabs surrender it. When Eleazar approached the Arabs, they did not know his intentions, but once he made mention of surrendering Herodium, they fell upon him, and Eleazar, having nowhere to flee, ran out of the fortress and fell to his death. Simon eventually invaded Idumea where he overtook the city of Hebron and took it for himself. He ravaged Idumea, laying waste the villages and cities, and “Idumea was greatly depopulated” (Josephus, Wars, 4.9.6).

Upon the fecund earth and upon the green meadows and farms, Simon’s army trampled; and if green lusciousness was before him, a desert was left behind his army, from the fires they spread, and the earth — from being soft, dark and fertile — was abandoned, left to be hard and rigid, the only thing watering it being the blood of those they butchered. The Zealots, seeing what Simon had done to their Arab Jewish allies, were deeply afraid and so kidnapped Simon’s wife with the expectation that he would lay down his arms. Simon went into an uncontrollable rage, and set himself and his forces at the wall of Jerusalem. Elderly people, as was customary, would exit the city to collect wild herbs or sticks, and these Simon butchered without mercy. Anyone who left the city was killed under his watch. So filled with frothing rage was Simon, that it was said that he was “almost ready to taste the very flesh of their dead bodies.” “He also cut off the hands of a great many, and sent them into the city to astonish his enemies, and in order to make the people fall into a sedition, and desert those that had been the authors of his wife’s seizure.” (Josephus, Wars, 4) 

Those whose hands were cut off would return to the city and declare a message from Simon: that Simon swore by the God of the universe that if they did not return his wife that he would “break down their wall”, that he would inflict the same punishment as he did to those who exited the city, not sparing age nor distinguishing the guilty from the innocent. The Zealots, struck with such deep fear, returned his wife back to him, but at this point — in the words of Josephus — “sedition and civil war prevailed” in Jerusalem. Meanwhile, the Romans were advancing. The general Vespasian took over the Gophnitick and Acrabattene toparchies, he then seized Bethel and Ephraim. One of Vespasian’s commanders, Cerealis, laid waist Upper Idumea, invading Caphethra and taking over Capharabim. He then took over Hebron where he slaughtered all of the young men and burnt down the city. Simon returned to Idumea where he resumed his war against the Arabian Jews, driving many of them to flee to Jerusalem. Simon preemptively met them at this very city where he encompassed the walls, and anyone who tried to enter Jerusalem was slain.

Meanwhile, inside of the city of Jerusalem, the spirit of Sodom lingered. The inhabitants of the city were terrified of Simon and his forces, more so than they were of the Romans. Fear was deeply entrenched in their hearts, due to those who were without the walls, but within the walls was something abysmal, something evil, something that was beyond the natural order. John’s followers — the Zealots — in Jerusalem were thirsty for the blood of the rich, an ancient testament to the presence of the demon of fanatical madness, which mankind has seen numerous times (be it in revolutionary France or in Bolshevik Russia). They raided the homes of the wealthy, stealing their possessions with their insatiable lust for power and their endless greed. The have-nots wanted to become the haves, and those that called themselves Zealots only had zeal for their own power. They murdered men at random and raped women, and all of this evil was sport to them. How much blood they could shed, how many women they could ravish, was a measurement of their success. Another phenomena manifested itself: these Zealots began to decorate their hair and wear women’s garments and put on makeup. Mascara was under their eyes as they made the entire city of Jerusalem into a homosexual orgy. Jerusalem had become Sodom. With makeup around their crazed eyes, they slaughtered; while they dressed as women, they acted like merciless mercenaries; while they walked like women, they slaughtered with their swords. Jerusalem became Sodom. As Josephus described the madness:

“Now this Simon, who was without the wall, was a greater terror to the people than the Romans themselves, as were the zealots who were within it more heavy upon them than both of the other; and during this time did the mischievous contrivances and courage [of John] corrupt the body of the Galileans; for these Galileans had advanced this John, and made him very potent, who made them suitable requital from the authority he had obtained by their means; for he permitted them to do all things that any of them desired to do, while their inclination to plunder was insatiable, as was their zeal in searching the houses of the rich; and for the murdering of the men, and abusing of the women, it was sport to them. They also devoured what spoils they had taken, together with their blood, and indulged themselves in feminine wantonness, without any disturbance, till they were satiated therewith; while they decked their hair, and put on women’s garments, and were besmeared over with ointments; and that they might appear very comely, they had paints under their eyes, and imitated not only the ornaments, but also the lusts of women, and were guilty of such intolerable uncleanness, that they invented unlawful pleasures of that sort. And thus did they roll themselves up and down the city, as in a brothel-house, and defiled it entirely with their impure actions; nay, while their faces looked like the faces of women, they killed with their right hands; and when their gait was effeminate, they presently attacked men, and became warriors, and drew their swords from under their finely dyed cloaks, and ran every body through whom they alighted upon.” (Josephus, Wars, 4.9.10)

Those who fled Jerusalem to escape the sodomitic terror were slaughtered by Simon who was waiting outside. The nightmare was never ending. The Arabs, seeing the madness of the Zealots, and how cruel they were, and also being desirous for John’s power over the city, sought to destroy the Zealots out of hatred for their evil ways. The Arabians unsheathed their swords and butchered many of the Zealots, so much so that they fled into the Temple. The remaining authorities wanted to have John removed, and they would invite Simon into Jerusalem to take it over. This is what took place prior to the final destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans. But let us look at what Josephus wrote when describing Jerusalem’s sodomite presence. These sinister persons were the followers of John, meaning that they were Zealots, or people who had zeal for the Law of God. How could people who call themselves Zealots put on mascara and wear women’s clothes, and partake in homosexuality?

It is just like those conservative figureheads who will speak of the Bible or patriotism, and at the same time will promote Sodom. We see this in people like Milo Yiannopolous, a Jewish conservative talker who elevated pederasty stating: “some of the most important enriching, and incredibly life-affirming, important, shaping relationships are between younger boys and older men.” We see this in Dennis Prager, a rabbi who teaches the Torah and is very popular amongst American conservatives, when he said: “The Bible said: ‘Men, you are as happy with boys — I don’t mean 8 year olds, 15 year olds — just as a grown man is happy with a 15 year old girl. In that sense, homosexuals and heterosexuals are identical.” The rabbi also said: “I actually believe bisexual is the norm.” 

The sodomites of Jerusalem wore women’s clothing and outlined their eyes with mascara, and at the same time they were warriors who butchered people. These are paralleled to the far-Right or tribalist groups that exist in north America and Europe. There is the movement of Jack Donovan, a sodomite and ideological terrorist who wants people to hold violence as  “sacramental.” Just as the Zealots of Israel knew God and did not honor him as God when God gave them up to dishonorable passions (Romans 1:21, 26), so does the Right-wing of today express respect to Christianity, while appealing to Sodom. This can be seen in the Right-wing party in Greece, the Golden Dawn, which appeals to Orthodox Christians while their leader, Nikolaos Michaloiakos, once praised Luciferianism as the religion of Greece. 

In the year 2013, the Greek journalist, Dean Kalimniou, wrote an in depth article entitled, Golden Dawn and the Devil. In this article Kalimniou recounts how before Michaloiakos entered the Greek parliament he wrote a preface for a poetry book written by Odysseus Paterakis, a Greek occultist, entitled, “The Shining Darkness of Lucifer – The National Greek Religion.” In his preface, Michaloliakos expresses his desire, not for the return of Christ, but for the coming of the kingdom of Satan which, he believes, will arrive to overthrow Christianity in Greece. Michaloiakos looks forward to the time when Satan will oust “twenty centuries of darkness,” restore “lost Paradises of old” which comprise the “future world of our dreams, which by our own Will, shall become a reality”. Michaloliakos, the leader of the nationalist Golden Dawn party, is calling for the coming of the kingdom of Lucifer. 

Truly this is the religion of those who portray piety while uplifting the religion of strength, the cult of masculinity and the altar of Sodom. The Zealots of Jerusalem adorned their hair, and the wicked in the Wisdom of Solomon say amongst themselves: “Let us crown ourselves with rosebuds before they wither.” (Wisdom 2:8) While they presented themselves as feminine, the Zealots of Jerusalem slew the innocent, and they saw murder as a form of sport; and the wicked described by Solomon conspire thusly:

“Let us oppress the righteous poor man;

let us not spare the widow

or regard the gray hairs of the aged.

But let our might be our law of right,

for what is weak proves itself to be useless.” (Wisdom 2:10-11)

Sodom portrays itself as amongst the godly, or will place itself in the ranks of ‘orderliness’ and ‘manliness,’ masquerading itself with righteousness while it advances its callousness. The madness that was seen on Golgotha, when an innocent man was nailed to a cross before scoffers, further demarcated the two cities — the Jerusalem on high and the Jerusalem of earth. The heavenly Mount Zion is where Moses spoke with God face to face, as a man speaks to his friend (Exodus 33:11); where he received his zeal to combat the worshippers of madness who elevated the golden calf; where king Josiah was inspired to “brake down the houses of the sodomites” (2 Kings 23:7); it is in the heavenly Mount Zion where Christ had the zeal to unsheathe His whip and drive the thieves out of the Temple. But, in the earthly Jerusalem, the Temple is no longer a house of prayer for all nations, but a house thieves; it is the earthly Jerusalem that becomes a brothel-house (to quote Josephus), it is in the earthly Jerusalem where Christ is murdered, where Truth is slain, where madness prevails; it is earthly Jerusalem that is called Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord was crucified.     


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