Jesus' Coming Back

Adulterer Greg Locke Claims Biden is ‘Sex Trafficker’ While Promoting Debunked QAnon Conspiracy Theory During Tent Meeting

A self-professed pastor and Trump devotee from Tennessee—who left his wife for his administrative assistant several years ago—claimed during a tent meeting on Sunday that President Biden is a “sex trafficker” while promoting a debunked QAnon conspiracy theory.

Greg Locke of Global Vision Bible Church in Mt. Juliet, Tenn., told his congregation, “I don’t care what you think about fraudulent ‘Sleepy Joe.’ He’s a sex-trafficking, demon-possessed mongrel. He’s of the Left. He ain’t no better than the Pope [Francis] and Oprah Winfrey and Tom Hanks and the rest of that wicked crowd. God is going to bring the whole house down! … He’s going to expose all these bunch pedophiles.”

“Do you honestly believe, Pastor Locke, that the military uncovered tunnels beneath the capitol building and beneath the White House? … Do you really believe they found kids? Yes. Both live ones and dead ones,” Locke asked of himself and answered during the bizarre rant.

A video clip of the statements were posted on the Twitter account of the Right Wing Watch, a project of the “progressive” People For the American Way (PFAW) organization, garnering over 3 million views.

According to Christian Headlines, “Locke was promoting elements of the QAnon conspiracy theory, which alleges that well-known politicians and Hollywood figures are worshipping Satan and are running a child sex trafficking ring – and that former President Trump was elected to stop it.”

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