Jesus' Coming Back

Mother of four shot to death in Haifa apartment

A 27-year-old Arab-Israeli mother of four was shot dead in her apartment on Gush Etzion Street in Haifa, according to police reports.

Police are currently pursuing suspects in the case, while investigating the motive for the murder. Police noted to Haaretz that the woman’s ex-husband and her current partner both have a criminal record.
The woman was reportedly shot in front of her children and a friend of hers, from whom the police are currently gathering statements.
Police enlisted MDA medics and paramedics to assist the woman, identified as Meiser Ottman, after finding her unconscious body. However, volunteers were forced to pronounce the woman dead at the scene.
“When we arrived at the scene, we joined the police forces and entered the apartment,” said MDA paramedic Ahmed Tuafshi. “We saw an unconscious woman with a penetrating injury to her body, we performed medical tests on her, she was without a pulse and without breathing and we had to determine her death on the spot.”


Many are drawing comparison between this case and the failure of the government to properly address domestic violence within Israel.
“The murder of Meiser Ottman today is a clear example of the direct connection between the activities of systems and government policy… [surrounding] the failure to deal with violence against women,” said WIZO Chairman Anita Friedman, citing the State Comptroller report on domestic violence published on Wednesday. 
Friedman noted the report details 150 pages of criminal neglect in the field.
“This is a clear indictment of all Israeli governments, each of which has a direct connection to the deficiencies surrounding the scourge of violence,” Friedman said. “The public may be shocked for a moment and then forgot it the next moment, but the government is committed to taking action, and every effort possible, to rectify the serious shortcomings in the State Comptroller’s report and ensure the safety of women and children victims of domestic violence.”
“Violence is not a decree from heaven,” she added. “It is our duty not to give up and put the treatment of violence at the top of the priority of the change government.”The Association for Violence against women also gave comment.”Continued terrorism against women today claimed another victim – Meiser Ottman from Haifa – who was murdered today in front of her children,” said Director-General of the association Vardit Danziger, noting that its agenda will be to allocate the necessary funds for the implementation of the program.


Jesus Christ is King

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