Kamala Harris Facing White House Sabotage as Establishment Media Lay Out Pete Buttigieg’s Path to Presidency

Vice President Kamala Harris is facing White House sabotage as the establishment media lay out Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg’s path to the presidency.
With Harris’s history of “mistreatment of employees and dissent” before entering the White House, the establishment media have begun reporting on the infighting and “sabotage” impacting the office of the vice president.
“It’s a whisper campaign designed to sabotage her,” Biden’s senior adviser Cedric Richmond said, admitting Friday to the Hill the infighting is real.
Axios reported Friday Harris’s aides are panicked that she is “fucking up” and perhaps “shouldn’t be the heir apparent” for 2024’s presidential race because she “could not defeat whomever the Republican Party puts up.”
On Wednesday, a White House staffer told Politico Harris’s aides “are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it’s an abusive environment.”
“It’s not a healthy environment and people often feel mistreated. It’s not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s—,” one aide said.
Other White House aides told Axios Harris’s office is a “shitshow” with “poorly-managed … people who don’t have long-term relationships with her,” an overall “operation sometimes visibly out of sync with Biden’s.”
The establishment media additionally wrote Friday, “2024 is the elephant in the room. … While Biden aides overwhelmingly believe he’ll be the Democratic nominee, they also know he’d be 81 when seeking re-election.”
But “many Democrats, including some current senior administration officials, are concerned she [Harris] could not defeat whomever the Republican Party puts up — even if it were Donald Trump.”
Enter stage right Transportation Secretary Buttigieg, who, as previous mayor of South Bend, was unable to fix the city’s potholes; a pizza company in 2019 had to repair them for Mayor Pete.
But while the establishment media largely ignored that story, they published a profile piece June 8 about Buttigieg that plotted his path to the presidency that would involve him replacing incumbent President Joe Biden.
As Breitbart News reported, Atlantic magazine writer Edward-Isaac Dovere wrote the glowing report about Buttigieg’s opportunity to gather support for a massive “infrastructure” spending bill that redefines traditional infrastructure to include eldercare and electric vehicles.
In the story, the Atlantic laid out Buttigieg’s potential path to the presidency in 2024:
Here’s the winner of the 2020 Iowa caucus, living out his grand political plan to … how exactly would it work? Something like: He takes an inherently snoozer job as a low-ranking Cabinet official, spends a few years quietly kissing up to mostly forgettable members of Congress with talk about railroads and broadband, and going on TV to defend the administration.
Along the way, he counts on Biden not to run again and Kamala Harris not to emerge as Biden’s natural heir. If everything comes together perfectly, the former mayor of South Bend, Indiana, becomes the first president since Herbert Hoover to have come out of the Cabinet.
“For now, though, Buttigieg is the public point man for the infrastructure bill,” Atlantic concluded.
In March, Breitbart News reported that Yahoo News, an establishment media outlet, asserted Buttigieg was promoting the infrastructure proposal and boosting “his own brand in the process”:
First and foremost, he’ll be the administration’s salesman, making the case to Republican governors and mayors that supporting the infrastructure plan will be in their best interests. He has also pledged to turn the Transportation Department into an unlikely crucible of progressive policy, vowing when he first came to Washington that the agency would “rise to the climate challenge.” He has also promised to apply an “equity lens” to infrastructure projects.
National infrastructure, racial equity and climate change are an ambitious portfolio for the young secretary. They also sound like the sturdy pillars of a Democratic presidential campaign, something Buttigieg won’t talk about but that is not lost on his former staffers.
“He gets to be Build Back Better,” a former presidential campaign staffer told Yahoo, referring to Biden’s 2020 campaign slogan.
“He gets blank checks. He can tie himself to feel-good projects coming out of the administration,” the person praised.
On Tuesday, NNY360 reported high praise for the secretary, who “drew applause from press conference attendees when he said he wanted locals to work on the infrastructure projects.”
The Transportation secretary was even invited on ABC’s The View this past week, where co-host Joy Behar tossed Buttigieg a slow pitch.
“I’m going to throw my question out and ask you, what about climate change?” she simply asked.
“There’s no time to argue about whether it’s real. It’s happening, and it’s incredibly dangerous,” Buttigieg alleged.
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