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Biden Polls Horribly on His Handling of Rising Crime; More Americans Say Crime Than Coronavirus or Race is a Big Problem; Homicides Have Skyrocketed in These 6 Democratic Cities, and related stories

Biden polls horribly on his handling of rising crime:

Americans are giving President Biden dismal ratings on his handling of rising crime, a new poll found.

The ABC News/Washington Post poll released Friday morning revealed that just 38 percent of Americans approve of the 46th commander-in-chief’s response to recent crime spikes nationwide.

On the other side, 48 percent said they disapproved.

As crime rates have continued to surge, lawmakers have been quick to point fingers to avoid their party taking blame.

Republicans have largely argued that Democrats’ efforts to defund the police, remove qualified immunity for police officers and introduce cashless bail have all contributed to the budding crisis. —>READ MORE HERE

More Americans Say Crime Than Coronavirus or Race is a Big Problem:

This is a problem. A very big problem. For the Democrats.

The Democrats trashed the country in 2020 in the name of two big crises, the coronavirus and race relations. They’ve gone on trashing the country in the name of those two crises, plus global warming. Their “solutions” unleashed a crime wave of epic proportions.

And Americans are noticing.

The survey of 1,592 U.S. adults, which was conducted from June 22 to 24, found that a significant majority (55 percent) now describe “violent crime” as a “very big problem” in the United States — far more than the share who checked that degree of concern for the coronavirus pandemic (36 percent), race relations (39 percent), the economy (41 percent) or political correctness (39 percent).

The pandemic is falling into the rearview mirror. Violent crime is topping other major concerns because it’s a critical issue. —>READ MORE HERE

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