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Poll: 36% Believe Biden Is in Charge, Majority Say ‘Others’ Are Directing His Agenda

Just over one third of likely 2022 election voters believe President Joe Biden is truly in charge, while a majority say “others” are directing his agenda, a Trafalgar Group/Convention of States Action survey released Tuesday found.

The survey, taken June 23-25, 2021, among 1,086 respondents, asked: “Do you believe President Biden is fully executing the duties of his office?”

A majority, 56.5 percent, said “no, others are directing policy and agenda,” compared to 36.4 percent who believe Biden is truly directing all his own policies and agenda items.

While the majority of Democrats, 58.6 percent, believe he is directing his own policy and agenda, the same cannot be said of Republicans, 83.6 percent of whom believe others are directing Biden’s policy and agenda. Notably, a majority of independent voters agree with Republicans that others are calling the shots for Biden.

“President Lincoln’s famous refrain that you can’t fool all of the people all of the time has never been more relevant and critical to the survival of our American Republic,” Mark Meckler, President of Convention of States Action, said in a statement.

“The American people deserve transparency from the Biden Administration as to the true state of the President’s mental and physical health, and leaders in both parties in Congress need to follow through on this immediately,” he continued.

“The continued failure to ask hard questions and demand real answers is a disgrace to the foundation of our democracy,” he added.

The survey’s margin of error is +/- 2.97 percent.

Suspicions over Biden’s devotion to the far left spanned far before he took the presidency, with many predicting he would serve as nothing more than a Trojan horse for the radical left’s agenda. Former Vice President Mike Pence issued that exact warning during an October rally in Tallahassee, Florida.

“I mean, when you look at their agenda, the agenda that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to bring to the White House — higher taxes, open borders, socialized medicine, a Green New Deal, abortion on demand, defunding the police, packing the courts — it is clear,” Pence warned.

“Joe Biden may be nothing more than [a] Trojan Horse for the radical left. He would take our country somewhere we have never been before. Now, Joe Biden said democracy is on the ballot. Well, I think our economic recovery is on the ballot. I think law and order are on the ballot,” he added.

Far-left Democrats have since turned their focus to abolishing the filibuster to pass their radical agenda. Meanwhile, Biden said he will not sign a bipartisan infrastructure deal unless it is paired with a partisan funding package for entitlements, stressing the need for what he dubbed “human infrastructure.” That reportedly includes free universal preschool and childcare.

“Well, my party’s divided. But my party’s also rational,” Biden said.


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