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Texas Calls in the Grassroots Army; GOP Rep. Biggs on Border Crisis: ‘This Is a National Security Issue’; TX Dept. of Public Safety Lt.: Border ‘Unsecured’ and ‘Out of Control’ – ‘There Is No Progress Being Made’ and It Will Get Worse, and 10 other related stories

Texas calls in the grassroots army:

It is some genuine boots-on-the-ground thinking. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott is looking toward residents to provide firsthand information about the troubled southern U.S. border with Mexico.

Mr. Abbott is urging landowners in Texas border communities who have been “affected by the influx of unlawful immigration” to complete a new, self-reported survey of the damages on their properties.

“I strongly encourage Texas landowners along the border to report any personal property damages they incur due to unlawful immigration,” Mr. Abbott said in a statement.

“Our state will be equipped with the necessary data to continue addressing the ongoing crisis at our southern border and provide the support our land owners and communities need to stay safe and secure,” the governor said. —>READ MORE HERE

GOP Rep. Biggs on Border Crisis: ‘This Is a National Security Issue’:

Friday on Fox News Channel’s “The Faulkner Focus,” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) highlighted President Joe Biden’s failures at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Biggs said the border crisis is a “national security issue” because of the plethora of unaccompanied children and others coming in, including terrorists on watch lists.

“[The Biden administration is] virtually not seeing anything. They don’t get the numbers. They are releasing people into the country — just enormous numbers — 10,000 unaccompanied children alone recently released into the country; 78,000 … unaccompanied children have come to the country this year. That’s like five times more than the highest ever. They don’t see the numbers,” Biggs emphasized. “They don’t see the impact that it has on the border, so when … Vice President Kamala Harris goes to the border and goes to El Paso, she doesn’t go to the areas along the border that are hardest hit. So, they don’t see anything except for they don’t want to bring the Trump policies back in. Now, Trump policies gave us operational control, so they’re … missing the entire picture of what’s going on on the border, in my opinion.” —>READ and WATCH MORE HERE

Follow links below to related stories:

+++++Texas Dept. of Public Safety Lt.: Border ‘Unsecured’ and ‘Out of Control’ – ‘There Is No Progress Being Made’ and It Will Get Worse+++++

CNN: One Million Migrants Since October 2020

Texas Governor Seeks Survey of Property Damages Caused by Migrant Crisis

GOP Rep. Burgess: Indirect Costs from Border Problems ‘Going to Cripple’ Texas

Texas sheriffs sue Biden administration for preventing the arrest or deportation of criminal illegal aliens

Immigration activists call Texas border security efforts an ‘insurrection’ against U.S.

Biden’s Border Predicament

PHOTOS: Hundreds of Migrant Families Released into South Texas After Trump Visit

Biden Admin Releases 10K Unaccompanied Alien Children into U.S.

Report: Biden’s DHS May Release 100K More Migrants into the U.S. Annually

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