Jesus' Coming Back

‘I Pray Love Finds You’: Christian Actress Responds to Wendy Williams’ Criticism of Her Marriage by Praying for Her

Christian actress and social media influencer Tabitha Brown, 42, has offered her prayers to media personality Wendy Williams, who recently criticized Brown’s marriage on national television.

According to The Christian Post, Williams had responded to Brown, who revealed that she had finally achieved success in the entertainment industry allowing room for her husband of nearly 20 years, Chance Brown, to retire from his job as an LAPD police officer. The actress also cited her husband as the motivation behind her desire to succeed.

When the couple moved to Los Angeles to pursue Brown’s dream, neither of them had a job. Once Chance became a police officer, however, he told his wife that with his income, she would be able to pursue her dreams without worrying about money.

“We wouldn’t have to worry about one income being shaky. You would always be able to pursue your dream without having to have a real steady career outside of acting,'” Brown recalled her husband telling her.

While it took 15 years to reach success in the entertainment industry, Brown told her 3.7 million social media followers that she is thankful that her dream is now a reality.

On the July 1st broadcast of the Wendy Williams Show, Williams criticized Brown’s marriage during the hot topic segment of her show.

“Nope. I was married to one of those. I make the money and so and so forth. Go live your dreams, buy a business, stay with me but go, go, go. See how that turned out. I predict that this marriage is going to be on real rocky ground in a moment,” William said. “Then they invest in stuff and lose the money. Then they invest in something else, and the money gets swindled or stolen.”

Williams appeared to be referring to her personal experience with her now ex-husband, Kevin Hunter. Hunter was accused of having an extramarital affair.

In response to Williams’ comments, Brown posted a YouTube video in which she reiterated the commitment she and her husband made to one another in the pursuit of her dreams and expressed sympathy for Williams amid her failed marriage.

“Wendy, the pain you must be in to feel this way, honey, I’m so sorry,” she said. “But listen, let me tell you this: 23 years I’ve been with my husband, broke for a very long time, together. Struggled for a very long time, together. Succeeded for the last couple of years, together.”

The Christian actress also asserted that keeping God first in their marriage has allowed them to remain resilient and ultimately see her dreams come to pass.

“I was his dog in the fight, and he believed in me, and we did it together for the last 15 years,” she asserted. “I did every year with him in the LAPD, and he did every year with me with rejection and nos in this entertainment industry. However, God has blessed me. … I’ve been praying on this for a very long time, and it has now come to pass.

“That is the power of God,” Brown said. “It’s also the power of allowing God to be first in your marriage. That’s how it remains successful; we keep Him first. He is first in our marriage. Not money, not business, not success, but God. He’s first.”

Brown went on to pray that Williams would one day meet the right spouse and that their relationship would be rooted in God.

“I pray that someone will love you enough to see you when you are not well. To see when you need true support. To see you when you need compassion. To see you when you need kindness,” Brown said. “I pray that somebody loves you enough to sacrifice their life for you. I pray that type of love finds you so that you can understand why I don’t want my husband to put his life on the line anymore, wearing a bulletproof vest if he don’t have to and if it’s not his desire.”

Brown, who often discusses veganism, humor and motivational speaking on social media, celebrated her marriage in the video. Chance has since retired from the LAPD and is currently working to build a non-profit business while coaching children.

Brown concluded her video by praying that Williams would someday experience the same joy in a marriage as Brown and her husband have experienced in theirs.

“I pray that somebody finds you; love finds you. That [it] excites you the way I’m excited for my husband to grow his business, pour into children and coach these kids and do other things he’s dreamt about,” she emphasized. “I pray this type of excitement and love finds you and anybody else who seems to not understand this. I pray that type of love finds you.”

Photo courtesy: ©Getty Images/Paul Archuleta/Stringer

Video courtesy: ©Tabitha Brown

Milton Quintanilla is a freelance writer. He is also the co-hosts of the For Your Soul podcast, which seeks to equip the church with biblical truth and sound doctrine. Visit his blog Blessed Are The Forgiven.


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